Part 8

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I'm finally updating after having writers block for 2 weeks so I hope you like it.😔

As the phone rang, a lot of things were going through my mind.

Was it right for me to fight que?

Is Billie ever going to talk to me again?

Who gave my dad my number?

I got thrown out of my thoughts when the phone went to voicemail. I hung up and called my mom next to try to figure out how my father even got my number. I have so many questions.

"Hello y/n" My mom said over the phone.

"Mom, dad called me today," I say, lowly stopping at a red light. The phone went silent for a minute.

"W-what did he say to you" she said, saying something under her breath That I couldn't make out.

"He was telling me about his dying daughter and how he wanted me to give him money to help her." I chuckled, and the phone went silent again.

"Y/n, I have to tell you something, but I don't want you to get mad. Okay, promise me you won't get mad."

She said I was confused about what she wanted to tell me. If she was going to try to convince me to give him money, the answer is going to be no.

"I promise I won't get mad okay mom tell me" I say pulling into my driveway turning off my car.

"Y-Y/n the dying daughter is your sister" She said lowly.

I stop in my tracks, trying to comprehend what she just told me.

"Mom, are you joking? This isn't such a good joke."

"Its not a joke y/n she is your sister."

I stay silent, trying not to get mad because she has lied to me all my life. She told me I was an only child, and everything she told me was a lie.

"So, you lied to me all my life. Basically, is that why dad wanted us out of the house, huh?"

"Yes, let me just explain it to you okay."

She says lowly I could hear the sadness in her voice, but I could care less at this point she lied to me.

"Okay, explain to me how you kept a child secret for the whole 22 years of my life. I would love to listen to this," I say sarcastically. She takes a deep breath and starts talking.


Mom's POV:

I sit in the bathroom with the positive pregnancy test in my hand, tearing up. I quickly wipe the tears away when I hear a knock on the door.

"What's taking you so long, Janice hurry the hell up I need the mirror to fix my hair." He yelled.

"Okay, I'm coming. Give me a minute." I sigh, pulling up my pants and staring at the pregnancy test, wondering how I let that cruel man out there get me pregnant again.

I found a place to hide the pregnancy test and wash my hands, I opened the door and he was standing there with his arms folded.

"What took you so fucking long move out my goddamn way Janice." He said pushing me out the way.

I got the sudden urge to throw up and ran into the bathroom, throwing up in the toilet. He helped me with my hair, which was surprising because he hasn't done this in years.

After I was done, I wiped my face and washed my hands, and he stared at me through the mirror.

"What the hell is going on? Would you like to tell me something?" He said he was crossing his arms in front of his chest and looking at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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