Part 2

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"I wanted to know what your name was," she says, looking me up and down. "My names are Billie and yours." I take a sip of my drink and say, My name is y/n." She chuckles, "It fits you well; why aren't you dancing?" I sigh, "I'm not really a party person, but my friend Lauren is here, but I don't really wanna dance." She walks from behind the counter and sits in the chair in front of me. "So you would rather sit at the bar and talk to me then go be with your friend?" she asks. "I mean, yeah, it's much more fun." It goes silent for a moment until I speak up again. "What made you want to become a bartender?" I ask.

"it's just a job for quick money until this one job calls me back it makes way more money then this" she looks down at her phone and gets up "my break is over" she says and gets up I grab her arm and she stops " can I at least get your number just in case I won't get it by the end of the night" she smilies and puts her hand out I give her my phone and she puts her number in it and gives me my phone back and walks off " who was that" Lauren smirks " it's not what it look like it's just a new friend that I made" she scoffs " yea right you mean your new fuck buddy" I gasp " is that really what you think of me" she gives me a straight face "yes that is what I think of you, you can't keep your dick in your pants" I laugh "it's not my fault that woman love me I mean look at me who can't resist me" I snicker

"I'm going back to dance, are you coming?" I lean against the counter and look at my phone; it's 11 oclock. "Nah, I'm good, this shit is getting boring; it feels like I'm at high school dance." She flips me off. "Whatever you do, stay over there and be a party pooper, but me, I'm about to turn the fuck up." She drinks her shot and walks off. I look over my shoulder and I see Billie walking off with some pink-haired man, and she looked uncomfortable, so me being me, I walk over to her and grab her arm. "Who the fuck are you?" The pink-haired man says, "Who the fuck are you?" I scoffs and he says, "My name is que short for." Who the hell would name their son? I asked myself, "I'm fine, just go. I'll text you later." I took my hand off her arm and let her go off with this que guy. I text Lauren and tell her I'm going home. I walk out to the side and wait for my limo to come.

Time skip to when she gets home

I throw my keys on the table and change into a wife beater and plaid night pants. I turn my TV on and put on "On My Block." When I hear my phone ding, I turn over and look who texted me, and it was Billie.

Billie❤️: hey sorry about earlier I wasn't trying to blow you off but I had to go.

Y/n😩😫: it's cool who was that guy anyway if you don't mind me asking...

Billie❤️: um just a friend he was my only ride home so yeah

If he was just a friend, why did he have his hand on her ass, and why did she look so uncomfortable? But that's not my business, so I will just stay out of it if she wants to tell me she will.

Y/n😩😫: oh okay well I'm going to sleep because I have a long day tomorrow but maybe sometime this week we can go out to lunch maybe?

Billie❤️: yeah that will be amazing maybe Friday if you're not busy?

Y/n😩😫: yeah maybe around 2:00?

Billie❤️: yea that will be great.. goodnight

Y/n😩😫: goodnight.
Delivered at 12:45

I sighed and put my phone back on my nightstand and thought, Is he really just a friend? But sometimes I overthink: maybe he was gay; his hair was pink; he did look a little fruity. I get knocked out of my thoughts when Snowflakes jumps on my bed and cuddles up next to me. As I began to rub his fur, I started to feel sleep take over me. I slowly but surely fell asleep.

777 words
Do you guys think he's just a friend?

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