Part 7

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"No y/n this is your dad" the man over the phone says.

y/n's Pov:
I sit there in a daze, and I can't believe what the voice over the phone said: "Y/N, are you there?" he asks.

"Yeah," I say, lowly feeling so many emotions that I'm not sure if I should be happy or if I should be mad.

"Who gave you my number, and why are you calling me after so many years after you left us?" I asked.

I sniffled, feeling the overwhelming emotions.

He sighs, "Listen, I didn't call you to be all sentimental with you, so stop it, y/n. It's no time for that, so please don't make me regret calling you."

I sit there in disbelief, sitting down on the bench in front of Billie's house, and he starts to talk again.

"I called for a favor. My daughter is in the hospital; she has cancer, and me and my wife doesn't have enough money to care for her. I know how much you got it; I saw you at the Grammys, and at all these events, you can spare a couple of dollars for her. Think of it like charity." he chuckles

I sit there, running my hands through my hair, trying to calm myself down.

"Your daughter," I say under my breath.

"Yes, my daughter, are you going to help me or what? She's basically on her death bed," he says getting annoyed.

I hear the door open and look back to see Billie coming out of the door, sitting next to me.

"I don't care about your daughter; I don't care about your family; I don't care about you; you left me and mom on the street with nothing, no clothes, no water." I raise my voice.

He sighs "Y/n listen" I cut him off

"No let me finish you didn't even care to give us any food nor any fucking money, and you owned a whole fucking multimillion-dollar firm, but you want me to care about your dying fucking daughter? You can kiss my ass."

I hung up, putting my hands in my hair and taking a huge sigh.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Billie says softly.

I turn to her, looking her in the face and saying, "No." I simply said, putting my head down.

Billie's Pov:

Her face is as red as a tomato; she looks like she's going to explode, but on the other hand, she looks like she was really hurt by her father.

I don't know the full story of her family, but I want to get to know her. I want to understand her side of the story so I can help her.

I lift her chin up to look at me with my pointer finger, looking into her eyes. I start to feel the same feeling I felt when I first saw her at the bar the first night we met.

I finally spoke up, "Talk to me, please." I really care about her and her feelings but I need her to talk to me.

y/n's Pov:

I take a deep breath, and start to explain what happened that night.


I could hear my mom and dad fighting as usual, but this time it was worse. I got up from my bed and went to my parents' room. Looking through the cracked door, I saw my dad hitting my mom and throwing her onto the bed.

"I want you out of my house. Pack your shit, take you and that girl, and get the fuck out of my house," he yelled.

She sobbed, "Were would we go, Richard? We have nowhere to go. Please make me go, not her; she doesn't deserve this."

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