Part 5

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Sorry I haven't been updating but I'm back <3

Y/n pov:

I couldn't believe what I saw. "Who the fuck did this to you, Billie?" I yelled. Can you please calm down?" she cried. "I'm sorry, but what happened to you?" I said, trying to calm myself down.

"Q-que hit me because I talked back to him, but it's my fault; I shouldn't have done that." I turned to her. "It is not your fault, Billie; no man should put his hands on a woman; it wasn't his place," I said as I took her hand in mine.

I checked my phone, and it was getting late. I waved the waiter over and asked her for the check.

Just thinking about what he did made me want to beat his ass until he begged me to stop how could he do that to billie who is so kind and loving.

But I don't think it's my place to do that, but what if I didn't do it? What if I had someone else do it for me? I got knocked out of my thoughts when the waiter came back with the check. "I got it," Billie says. I started to laugh.

She stared at me confused " what are you laughing at" she questioned " you really think I'm going to let you pay I wanted to take you out so I'm going to pay for it" I gave the waiter my card " I'm paying next time just to let you know" she said.

"Whatever you say, Eilish," the waitress came back with my card, and I put it back in my wallet. "Um y/n," she says while looking down. "Yes, Billie." I say, "Do you maybe want to come over to my mom's making dinner, but you don't have to if you don't want to?" She says.

"Sure, I don't mind coming over; it's better than going home and sitting on my ass watching TikToks until my fingers hurt." I chuckle and say, "Okay, then I'll send you that address." We get up, and she hugs me.

"Thank you for caring. I really appreciate you," she whispers in my ear. I blush. "No problem, Eilish." We pull away, and she starts to walk to her car. I made sure she was okay, and when she pulled off, I got in my car and headed to her house.

Time skip to when they get to billies parents house

Billies pov:

I see y/n get out of her car, and I can admit this woman was so fine the things I would let her do to me. "What did you say?" she smirks. "I didn't say anything," I say as I put the key in the door.

"Hi mom, bye mom," I say quickly as I try to drag y/n upstairs. "Who's this?" my mom says as she walks closer to us. "Hi, my name is y/n." She says, "It's nice to meet you, y/n. My son Finneas loves your work, but he's not here at the moment." My mom says

"That's good to hear," y/n says. She looks at me. "You never told me your last name," she whispers. "I chuckle. It's O'Connell." I say, "Well, it's nice to meet you, ms. O'Connell." My mom snickers. "It's nice to meet you too, y/n." I pull y/n into my room and close the door.

Y/n pov:

"nice room, Eilish" She goes into her bathroom. "Thank you." She takes her glasses off and puts them on the counter. I walk in the bathroom and hug her from behind. "You are really beautiful, Billie, you know that." She blushes and turns around so she's facing me.

Thank you. Our faces were so close that if I was to lean in, we would kiss. I tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "Can I kiss you?" All she did was nod. I slowly leaned in.

665 words

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