You say you love the dark..
Unless you always choose the light..You watch the moon shine before you sleep,
But you live in the sunshine..You flirt with the beauty of the full moon,
Except that you are burning under the fire of rays,thanking God for their blessings..This is why I am not sure that you will love my darkness..
Who doesn’t like weirdness?
But not if it was close enough to make a shiver run through your veins..Yes, the sun will burn you with its beauty,
However, the moon will illuminate you with it’s harshness
★Jupiter From Afar★
PoesieSome things are not destined to reach their owner.. To remain stuck in one's soul like a slow-killing poison.. In order to save themselves,they must free them.. And here,we witness the tip of the pens from a story whose favorite place was "distances...