PCOS (🏐)

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PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a medical issue that most women suffer from, whether they have severe or minor PCOS they matter!

I suffer from PCOS and the story I'm about to type is based on what happened to me early last year, a true experience of PCOS and doctors being dismissive. The story follows Haikyuu POV but the experience of PCOS that I endured.

Raise awareness for women! 💜


Sick : Kiyoko
Caretaker : Yachi and the Karasuno Team

Kiyoko suffers from PCOS, she's never had any problems, but today in practice she has a cyst burst, causing her horrible pain.


Kiyoko groaned as she woke up early in the morning, she wasn't expecting her period, so she didn't understand the sudden severe cramping in her lower abdomen.

She went to the bathroom, no blood. So what was causing these issues??

Kiyoko took some pain meds and decided to ignore the pain, getting ready for school.

Kiyoko rode to school, the ride ended up calming her cramps, but as soon as she got to school, the cramping started again.

She cursed mentally, really unsure what the pain was caused by. She went to early morning practice and Yachi noticed Kiyoko's pained face.

Actually- everyone did..

Suga came to Kiyoko.

'' Kiyoko... are you okay?? ''

Suga asked, she nodded weakly, the pain causing her to become nauseous, she was worried she would puke.

Suga frowns as he placed his hand on her forehead, she didn't have a fever.

'' Go easy today Kiyoko... you don't look too well. ''

Kiyoko nods at Suga's words before she went to the bench and sat down. Yachi sat next to Kiyoko and looked at her, watching her face go from pained to sad expressions.

'' Kiyoko? ''

Yachi got Kiyoko's attention, Kiyoko looked at the younger blonde girl.

'' Yes Yachi? ''

Yachi frowns.

'' You don't look well.. you should go home.. ''

Kiyoko was about to respond but the pain in her uterus became sharp and more intense. Kiyoko curled up, gasping in pain.

'' K-Kiyoko! ''

Yachi looked over at Suga for help.

'' Yachi what happened? ''

Kiyoko groans in pain.

'' S-Someone call an ambulance please... ''

Kiyoko said weakly, tears pricking at her eyes as the pain was horrible.

Coach Ukai called an ambulance, Yachi held Kiyoko's hand.

'' Kiyoko do you know what's causing the pain? ''

Kiyoko cried.

'' I-I.. don't know- possibly a burst cyst.. I'm in so much pain. ''

Yachi's eyes widened.

'' Oh gosh! Okay, just hang in there. ''

The ambulance arrived, Yachi went in the ambulance to accompany Kiyoko on the ride there.

The paramedics were asking Kiyoko many questions, is she pregnant, does she have any history of PCOS or Endo.

Kiyoko was in too much pain to answer, she just wanted medication to stop the pain.

Once at the hospital, Kiyoko was given strong pain meds and asked the same questions by the doctors in there.

Kiyoko answered each questions, the pain was so bad that she was puking. They asked her to drink 1L of water so they could do an ultrasound on her.

She barely got through the water before they took her for an ultrasound, they did the ultrasound and explained that it looked okay, they however couldn't see her left ovary in the ultrasound.

The pain meds had kicked in, so her pain was gone. Eventually the doctors came back with results from her urine sample and told her she had a UTI.

Kiyoko argued saying that a UTI (urinary tract infection) should not be this painful, the doctors insisted that it was a UTI and they sent her home.

Yachi came to visit Kiyoko.

'' Hey Kiyoko... how are you feeling? ''

'' I'm pissed! That was not a UTI! They really thought this pain was a UTI?? Screw those doctors..''

Yachi frowns.

'' I'm so sorry Kiyoko... just keep fighting, I'll be there for you if you need my help. ''

Yachi smiles sweetly, she took care of Kiyoko for the next few days, making sure she recovered properly.


The End!

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