1. || Finally

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Friday 14th of July 2023

Sofia's POV:

"Finally, I had done it. I had finished school and I couldn't be happier! I have no clue what I'm going to do with my life now but I was so happy I wasn't in that jail anymore. I hated school, I always have and I always will. The only thing that got me though school was my best-friend 'lily' I had known her my whole life and we where inseparable! Lily has been there through everything, when I went through my first break up, the ups and downs of school and she was there for the hardest part of my life. When my parents died. My mum and dad died two years ago in a car crash, I was in the car too. I mean, they weren't the best parents, my dad would hit me and shout at me constantly and my mum just watched it happen. They never wanted me - I was always just left on the sidelines - But after all they had done too me I still couldn't believe they were actually gone."

"SOFIA! GET UP" lily screamed.

I live with Lily and her family, they decided to take me in after my parents died and I couldn't of asked for better people. I think that's also why me and Lily are so close (I mean we are basically sisters) we had just graduated high school and we where looking for an apartment in Barcelona, (we live in Madrid) we were hoping to get jobs there. I have always wanted to own my own bakery or cafe and Lily too. We where hoping for a fresh start in Barcelona.

"SOFIA! UP. NOW." Lily shouted more powerful this time.

"Okay, okay I'm up. What's wrong?" I asked Lily who was now jumping around my room.

"WE GOT THE APARTMENT!" Lily shouted exited.

"NO WAY, ARE YOU BEING SERIOUS?" I shouted back.

"Yes! We leave in 2 days." Lily said which caught me off guard.

"TWO DAYS!" I said taking a breath.

"Yes. Lily replied.

"How am I going to pack everything AND speak to Carlos in that time!" I told her.

"I'm not sure but I'm sure you will figure it out." She said as she left my room.

I fell back onto my bed and let out a big sigh. Of course, I was happy that we got the apartment but then meant leaving my boyfriend Carlos. We had been together for almost 2 years and I loved him. He went to a different school but only lived 20 minutes away. I spent most of my time with him.

how on earth will I tell him I'm moving city.

End of chapter 1

I hope you all enjoy this story and are just as excited to read it as I am too make it.

I will try to upload a new part everyday❤️

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