54. || Your my person

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Sofias POV:

Pablo had messaged me to go and meet him in 20 minutes.


He also said 'our spot' I got butterflies when he said that. We have had some really good memories there and that's where we told each-other all of our secrets and what happened in our pasts.

It was dark and quite cold so I decided to get a taxi to the spot. When I pulled up pablos car wasn't there yet so I would just have to wait a while longer.

"Is this where you want dropped off?" The taxi driver asked me

"Yeah. Thanks" I said as I handed him money and got out of the car

I made my way up the hill, it was about a 15 minute walk but I was just thinking about what I was going to say to pablo.

I couldn't mess this up.

I made my way up to the top where I was met with a gush of refreshing wind. The view still wowed me every time, Barcelona was such a beautiful city.

5 minutes had passed and I was still waiting for him.

Then 10 minutes past.

Then 20...

And after that 30 minutes past...

I guess he wasn't coming...

I sighed as I stood up and began to walk down the hill again. I decided I would just walk home as I just wanted to listen to some music and think about everything.

Did I really just get stood up?


Pablo's POV:

"Where are you running off to?" Xavi asked me

"I need to meet someone" I said quickly

"Call it off!" He said

"What no!" I said confused

"Pablo. I'm not happy with the way you've been performing recently, I've set up a activity for you. You have no option other than to do it" he said sternly

"Xavi please this is really important" I begged

"More important than your carrier?" He asked

Yes. Yes she is.

I sighed and followed him. There was no point of arguing because I will just end up getting benched.

It was some weird therapy thing I had to do, I hated it. This lady kept asking me a bunch of personal questions and I just wanted to leave.  The worst part is I wasn't aloud any electronics so I couldn't even message Sofia.

"Okay your free to go" the women told me

I practically sprinted out of the building and ran to my car. It was only a 5 minute to the spot I agreed to meet Sofia so I was praying she was still there.

Once I arrived after speeding here I was about to make my way up the hill but I spotted a figure walking away in the distance.

"Sofia!!" I screamed

But no answer.

I knew it was her though. I started running towards her. By the time I reached her I realised she had air pods in thats why she couldn't hear me.

I took a deep breath before tapping her shoulder.

"Pablo?" She said as she took her airpods out and looked me in the eye

"I'm sorry I am so late. Something came up at football and I couldn't get out of it, I really tried to get here super fast." I said quickly

"Oh, that's alright" she said slowly


"Pablo.." she spoke up after a few seconds

"Mhm" I mumbled back

"I'm really sorry" she said

"You don't need to be. I understand that we weren't dating but you kind of played with my feelings considering you kissed me the day before but then you kissed Jude and took of to Madrid with him" I said as I avoided eye contact with her

"Yeah.. I know. I'm really sorry. But if it makes you feel better my time with jude just proved how much I really love you Pablo. More than anyone. No one ca-" i cut her off

"It's fine Sofia, you don't have to expla-"she cut me off

"Yes I do. I want you to know that you are the only boy I've ever truly loved and I don't think that will ever change, your the only person I've ever opened up to about my past and the only person I feel completely comfortable with. You make me feel a kind of way I can't even describe it, kissing Jude just made me realise how much I wanted it to be you. I know this is a lot to take in but I love you so much Pablo and I really can't see myself with anyone but you." She told me which made me smile so much.

I grabbed her by her waist and pulled her into a deep hug. We stayed like that for a good 30 seconds before I let her go and I looked her straight in the eye.

"I love you too Sofia. More than anyone" I told her

"Your my person pablo" she told me which set fireworks off inside of me

"And you're mine" I told her

She leaned in and kissed me passionately. This was perfect. Me and her. Just us.

I had her back and I really had to keep her this time. No silly breakups and no stupid arguments.

She meant more to me than anyone.

"Do you want to come back to mines" I asked her

"Of course!" She replied happily

We walked back to the car holding each others hand.

We drive to mine and when we made it to the front door I warned her..

"Just a warning, don't be surprised if all the boys are super excited and happy" I told her

She just laughed as we walked through the door.

"Pablo is that you?" Pedri shouted from the living room

"Yeah!" I shouted back

"Come, we're all in here" ale added

We both made our way into the living room.

"SOFIA!" Raphina shouted as everyone turned around with massive smiles on their faces.

Everyone said hello to fia and then pedri came up to me.

"Got her back huh?" He smirked

I smiled, "yeah. And I'm keeping her this time"

He smiled back at me and we did our handshake.

For the rest of the night we all watched movies and chatted. Sofia wanted to go home though since she needed to wake up early tomorrow for work.

I agreed and drove her home at about 11:30pm.

"Thank you Pablo." She said as she kissed my cheek

"No problem, see you later fia" I said

She smiled before walking to her door. I waited until she was inside before driving home.

End of chapter 54.

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