17. || Tell her

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Skip two weeks:

The bakery was going well and it was becoming popular, I loved having mateo and amara around but the past few days mateo has been acting strange. For example he is always watching me and constantly asking me weird questions like 'do u have a boyfriend' and 'are you seeing anyone' I mean I liked him but not like that. Since it was the summer me and lily decided to close the bakery for 2 weeks and take a holiday. We have hung out with the boys a few times but they are very busy with pre-season which I understand. Me and Pablo have gotten closer, I really liked being around him, he always made me smile.
Today was the last day that the bakery was open so I was just finishing up and cleaning, lily and amara had went home already but mateo offered to help me, so I gladly took his help. It was around 9pm - we stayed so late because we had to go through all the food so it wouldn't go off in the two weeks we weren't going to be there. I put some music on started cleaning. Once I had finished I asked mateo if he could lock up. He said sure so I walked home and said goodbye. I had only been home for a few minutes but I got a text from mateo asking if I could come back to the bakery.

Sof, come back to the bakery please!

Is everything okay mateo?

Just come. Please.

Okay. I'm coming.


When I arrived at the bakery it was dark and all the lights were off.

"Mateo! Where are you?" I shouted

"Turn around" I heard a voice behind me

I turned around to see mateo standing inches away from me. Okay, this isn't weird....

"What's wrong, why did you ask me to come?" I asked him

"This" he said quickly and before I knew it his lips where attached to mine. After my brain processed what he was doing, I took a step back. Why would he do that? I don't like him like that? I was about to shout at him but I saw a figure running away from the bakery door. Pablo. Shit.


Pablo's POV:

We had just finished training and I was waking out of the changing rooms with pedri, ansu and raphina. We where chatting about random stuff until pedri said...

"Pablo, how's it going with Sofia?" He asked me

"Ehm, it's good" I replied

"Are you ever going to ask her out. It's been like a month since u guys met" raphina added

"For real, Pablo you need to tell her how you feel!" Ansu said

"And how are you so sure I like her like that" i question

"It's obvious pablito" pedri said and the rest of the boys agreed

I frowned and said "don't call me that"

"Awe pablito is angry" ansu said and the other laughed.

When we got home I took a shower and got freshened up. I was just lying in my bed on my phone. It was about 9pm and I decided I would go to Sofia. I'm not sure what came over me but I really wanted to tell her how I felt. I was just hoping she felt the same way. I got in my car and drove to her house. I knocked on the door but lily answered.

"Hey pablo, what are you doing here?" She asked me

"Oh, ehm, is Sofia here?"

"No, she's at at the bakery just finishing up with mateo." She said

Mateo. Mateo. Sofia told me about him and how she thinks he likes her and he has been acting strange lately. I thanked lily and walked down the street to the bakery. I had no clue what I was going to say but I knew I liked her. I really liked her. I just hope she likes me too. I was about to walk in the door when I saw something that shattered my heart. They were kissing. I knew I shouldn't of came. Fuck.

End of chapter 17

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