21. || I know you love me

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Sofia's POV:

I woke up with Pablo's hands wrapped around me, he was still sleeping. Him and the boys didn't have to go to training for 1 week. They had a little break from training and matches. I still wasn't sure what caused Pablo to be upset last night but for now I was just going to ignore it. I looked at the clock and it was 10:30am so I decided to wake Pablo up.

"Hey, wake up" I said gently

He hummed and slowly opened his eyes. He looked at me and smiled before wrapping his hands around me again engulfing me into a long hug. I laughed and kissed his forehead.

"Cmon let's go downstairs." I said getting up from the bed.

Pablo followed me downstairs and we where greeted by the boys.

"Morning!" They all said in sink

"Morning guys" I replied

Pedri walked up to Pablo and said something to him. Pablo just looked at him and nodded his head. I wonder what pedri said?

"How are you Sofia?" Ale asked me

"I'm good what about you guys?"

"We're good, happy to have a little break from football for a bit." Ansu replied and the other boys nodded their heads.

"Guys I think we should do something today" raphina said

"Yes! Like what though?" Pedri said

"What about the beach?" Pablo suggested

"Good idea, let's go to the beach!" Ansu said

"Guys can my friend lily come?" I asked

"Yes of course" they said

"Thanks guys. I'm going to go home now to get ready, does anyone mind giving me a lift?" I asked

Ale said he would take me because Pablo was outside messing around with raphina playing football. I got in the car and he drove me to my apartment.

"Thanks Ale!" I said as I gave him a hug.

"No problem sof, I'll see you later" he told me

After I thanked Ale I walked in and saw Sofia sitting on the couch. She immediately jumped up and said I had to tell her everything that happened. So I told her everything plus that the boys invited us to the beach. It was now 12pm so we decided we would start getting ready. I put my hair up in a messy bun and left my face without any makeup on since I would be getting wet anyway.

I put this bikini on-

And lily put this on-

After we had got ready we both just chucked a oversized tshirt on to cover our selfs a bit. We then drove to the beach where we saw the boys already playing in the water and sitting on the beach.

"Hey guys" I said as I walked over.

"Hey girls!" All of them said

Pablo was in the water with Ansu whilst pedri, Ale and raphina where sitting on the sun loungers. Lily sat down next to pedri and started speaking. Pablo hadn't noticed I was here yet so I just sat down next to Ale and raphina. I took of my T-shirt so I was laying in my bikini. We where speaking about something until I felt a wet body touch mine. It was Pablo he had hugged me from behind.

"PABLO! YOUR FREEZING!" I said standing up

He just laughed and tried to go in for another hug.

"Pablo you should start running!" Lily said

"What wh-" Pablo was about to ask but got cut of by me chasing him.

"AHHHHH" was all I could hear from Pablo whilst I could hear the others laughing at us. I chased him to the water where a big wave came and crushed Pablo. I was almost crying it was so funny, he stood up from the water and his hair was all messed up. He was holding his back saying that he had really hurt it. Shit.

He walked out of the water and lay on the beach saying he had hurt his back really bad. The others crowded around us and i started panicking. What did I do!! All of a sudden I could hear Pablo laughing and looking at me. He had pranked me.

"I hate you, that wasn't funny" I said as the others laughed and walked back to the sun loungers

"I know you love me" he said with a smug look on his face. I smiled and walked into the water. Pablo following me as always.

End of chapter 21

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