27. || hurts when I remember

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Pablo's POV:

Yesterday was okay, we just spent the day with lily and Sofia just chatting. I put on a brave face and acted like I was okay but I wasn't, i had been thinking about everything. I'm over the fans hating me, I'm my dad is out the hospital but I have a feeling he is only out for a little while. He isn't doing good and I know he's just trying to put on a brave face for me and my sister. So atleast I don't have to worry about the fans anymore but I really wanted to know why Sofia got so angry when I said something about her parents. Don't get me wrong I was being a dick regardless but she went super defensive when I mentioned her parents. I would ask her later. Tomorrow was the game against Real Madrid and I was not looking forward to it. I know I would be starting because xavi told me today. I had already been to training but I asked the boys to not say anything about that night in the club and they all agreed. It was 7pm and I called Sofia.

"Hey amor"

"Hey Pablo, how are you" she asked me

"I'm good, how was work?" I asked

"It was good, what about training?" She asked me

"It was good xavi told me I would be starting but I don't know how to feel about it." I told her

"How come? Isn't that supposed to be a good thing?" She said

"Can I come over and I'll explain everything to you and I also need to ask you something important" I said

"Uhm sure lily is out with pedri anyway."

"Thanks I'll come over now"

I hung up and drove over to sofias. Pedri asked lily out yesterday so they where official. I wasn't sure how I was going to ask her about her parents but I really wanted to know.

"Hey amor" I said as I greeted her with a kiss.

"Hey Pablo, come in" we made our way over to the sofa and put on a movie. I briefly told her about the vini situation and how I wasn't sure how it was going to go but she assured me that it would be okay and that she would be cheering for me in the stands. It made me feel a little better but I still felt weird about it. We where cuddled up together when I asked her something.

"Amor?" I asked, pausing the tv

"Yes?" She questioned as she looked up at me.

"Why did you get so defensive when I spoke about your parents. I mean I know I was being a dick and I'm so sorry but when I mentioned them your tone just changed I was just wondering why. You don't have to tell me but I really want to know because I know there's something your not telling me. I know you." I said and she took a deep breath before answering me.

"Well I don't talk about it. Ever. But a few years ago my parents died in a car crash. I was also in the car when they died. Don't get me wrong they where horrible parents. My dad would hit me and scream at me and my mum would just watch. They basically forgot I existed. I didn't really care but when my dad got drunk I was so scared. He would be himself but 10x worse. I lied to you that night I woke up and had a nightmare. When I told you it was about the movie it wasn't, it was about my dad and him hitting me. Nobody knows about this because I never told anyone. When they died I had to pretend like I cared and obviously I did a little bit because they were my parents but they treated me so badly Pablo. It hurts when I remember and I never want to feel it again." She told me

"I'm so sorry amor. I'm sorry you had to go through that and I'm sorry that I didn't know"'I told her taking her into my arms for a hug.

"I guess we both have our hard spots in our past." She told me. I nodded in agreement but little does she know I was struggling again. But she couldn't know that. No one could.

I spent the rest of the night at Sofia's just watching movies and sleeping. My game against real Madrid was tomorrow so I tried to get a good nights sleep. I didn't want to play the game. I mean I did but I knew that I was going to do something stupid if vini was playing. Before I fell asleep I checked to see if Real Madrid had put the team out and they did.

~~~~~~| 17.

~~~~~| 2.

Blah blah blah

Vinicius Jr | 20.

Great. He was playing. And he was starting. Ugh.

End of chapter 27.

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