46. || Just ignore it Sofia

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Sophia POV:

"Cmon we need to go" I told pablo who was playing in the water like a little kid

"Nooo!" He whined

I laughed

"Pablo you have a game to play" I told him

"Ugh fine."

It was now 4:30 and Pablo had to be at camp nou at 6 since the game was at 8:30. We where running a bit late but it's okay.

He grabbed my bag for me and we made our way up to the car.

- time skip -

Pablo had already left to go to camp nou so I was back at mines with lily getting ready for the game.

"So what is actually going on with you and Pablo?" Lily asked me as we where doing our makeup

"I couldn't even tell you. I really like him, more than anyone. But it's kind of weird, like we're not dating but we act like it." I told her

"I know what you mean but what about jude, I saw your Instagram post." She said grinning

I blushed

"Yeah I love jude too." I told her.

I don't have a crush on jude..

It's not like I wanted to impress him..

I don't like jude..

Do I?

"What are you thinking about?" Lily asked me

"Nothing nothing" i said quickly

I put on my gavi jersey with leather trousers and black shoes. I put my hair up in a slick back pony tail and some light makeup.
Lily wore a pedri jersey with jeans and trainers.

"We're going to be late Sofia!" Lily shouted at me

"Okay okay. I'm coming." I said as I grabbed a bag and shoved the essentials in it

We got a taxi to the game and went to our usual seats. The game was starting in about 15 minutes but i overhead a group of girls speaking beside me.

"Isn't that the girl that cheated on Pablo?"

"I swear she cheated on him with Jude?"

"I think she was with Pablo for the money"

"She's ugly anyway."

I immediately got up and ran away. I don't know why I let it get to me but it just did. Im usually not one to cry or get upset at things like that but it just annoyed me.

Lily was up getting drinks so she wasn't there either so I quickly got up with tears in my eyes and began walking. I don't know where...

I was walking with blurry eyes but I couldn't here the fans anymore so I had no clue where I was until I bumped into someone.

"Sofia!!" I heard a voice infront of me.

"Jude?" I questioned

"Yeah it's me. What the heck happened?" He asked me

I didn't say anything but I fell into his arms with tears falling down my face.

This shouldn't even upset me. What is wrong with me

"Do you want me to get Pablo?" Jude asked

"NO. No it's okay" I said quickly

"Uhm. Okay" Jude said as he was still hugging me

"Jude.. I..." I began but I was cut off my someone

"What's going on here?" It was Pablo. He stood above us with a curious look on his face

I quickly looked away again.

"I don't know man. She won't tell me, I just bumped into her and she was crying." Jude said

"Sofia what happened.?" Pablo now asked crouching down next to me

"It doesn't matter" I mumbled

"No Sofia it does you don't usually cry?" Pablo said as jude agreed

He's right I don't cry things unless it's really hurt me. But for some reason this really hurt me.

Maybe it's because she called me ugly and I have struggled with confidence?

Or maybe it's the fact she said I was ONLY with Pablo for the money..

Or that I cheated on him... that one hurt, the fact she thought I would do that.

"Sofia?? Sofia??" I heard jude and Pablo saying my name repeatedly.

"PABLO. CMON, what are you doing?" I heard pedri voice from down the hall

"Ugh wait" Pablo said irritated

"It's okay bro, you go and I'll take care of her" Jude told him

He looked at jude and nodded, gave me a quick kiss of my head and than ran to follow pedri.

"Let's get you up." Jude said as he carefully helped me up

"I don't even know why I'm so upset" I finally said

"What upset you?" Jude asked

I told him about the girls and what they where saying and how it made me sad and angry but idk why.

"Shit. Lily!" I said as I remembered I left her

"It's okay, we will go and explain everything to her. I'll help you." Jude said

It was times like this I really appreciated jude.

"Why are you here anyway?" I finally asked

"I'm suppose to be scoping out the competition but I don't really feel like watching my rivals play and probably win" he said as I laughed at him

"So what was the point in coming?" I said laughing

"Well I got to see you. So that's a plus" he said as I blushed

"Ooo your blushing" Jude teased me

"Shut up" I said and turned my face away

As we arrived at our seats jude came with me to explain to lily what had happened. He put his hood up and tied it so not a lot of people would recognise him but obviously that didn't work. I heard that group of girls again...

"I told you she was cheating on him"

Just ignore it Sofia...

Jude gave me a kiss on my check said bye to lily then left. And of course right as jude kissed me on my check I saw a big flash right in-front of us.

Brilliant, now that will be all over the internet.


The game ended 1-0 to Barcelona. Ferran Torres scoring a brilliant goal in the 67th minute. It was a pretty boring game apart from that.

Pedri played the whole game but Pablo got taken off in the 60th minute so i hope he's not in a mood about that when I next see him.

Tomorrow I was seeing jude and I was sooo excited. Even though i just saw him.

"Sofia!" I heard my name being called

Me and lily made our way down to the field

Pedri gave lily a kiss as she congratulated him and I hugged Ansu and raphina who came over with pedri.

"You guys played really well!" I told them

"Thanks Sofia." They said as Pablo approached us

He walked up to me and hugged me right away asking if I was okay.

"I'm okay I promise. I'll speak to you later yeah?" I said

"Yeah of course." He said before kissing my forehead and walking into the tunnel with the boys

End of chapter 46.

Kind of boring but I have drama coming soon!

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