10. || Friends

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Tuesday 18th of July 2023
Sofia's POV:
I woke up and looked beside me to see Pablo cuddled up beside me. I smiled. Last night i had a nightmare about my dad hitting me but Pablo was there to help me. I liked him but I didn't want to get attached. So for now I think I want to stay friends with him. I heard him shuffling about and realised he was waking up.

"Morning Pablo"

"Morning Sofia, how are you feeling"

"I'm okay, thank you for staying"

"That's okay, do you mind me asking what happened last night"

"Ehm, I had a nightmare about the movie" I lied

"Oh okay" I could tell he didn't believe me

We both got up and went downstairs we had breakfast and chatted. When we went back up stairs I gave Pablo a spare toothbrush and I got ready. We had decided we would do something today since Pablo didn't have training.
We both got ready and then Pablo drove us to his house so he could freshen up and I could say hi to the boys.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous, I'm not good with meeting new people. On the way to Pablo's I was quiet and I think he could tell something was wrong.
Pablo's POV:

I could tell something was up with her she was acting quiet and wasn't her usual happy self.

"Sofia what wrong?" I asked her gently

"I'm not the best with meeting new people"

"It will be okay, I'm here and you already met pedri. So I'm sure the others will love you" I told her

"Thank you Pablo, your a good friend" she said

I don't know why but those words stung. Friend. I was starting to like her but I guess she doesn't like me like that. And there I was thinking that I actually had a chance with her.

Sofia's POV:

After I spoke to Pablo he went quiet and didn't speak as much. I was worried that I had said something wrong. I hoped I hadn't because I really liked being around him.

We arrived at his house after 5 mins of silence. Pablo just got out of the car and walked straight in. I was confused but followed him in anyway.

"Guys this is Sofia" I heard Pablo say when i walked in the door

"Hi guys" i said quietly.

"Is this your new girlfriend Pablo?" Raphina said

"No" Pablo said bluntly

"Sureee" ansu and pedri added

"Hi Sofia I'm Alejandro, just ignore them" he said with a smile and he greeted me with a hug

He was nice and I hoped I would be friends with him. I stayed for around two hours and chatted to the boys they all seemed nice but especially Alejandro. He was cute as well. Just before I was about to leave Alejandro walked me to the door and asked for my number. I liked him so I gave him my number then shouted bye to the boys. They all replied except Pablo who I felt eyeing me and Alejandro whenever we would speak. I don't know what I had done. I hope I hadn't hurt him.

I got a text home and when I got back lily was there!

"Hey girl!!" I said hugging her

"Hey, how are you?"

"I'm good!"

"So tell me everything"

We sat in my room with snacks and a movie playing, whilst I told her everything.

"Alejandro seems nice" she said giving me a look

"Ye he was, but don't give me that look. I just don't know what I done to annoy Pablo." I said

"I'm sure he'll come around just give him some time, maybe something happened."

"Yeah your probably right"

End of chapter 10

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