Chapter 29- Who Should I Thank?

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(I don't know who drew this but credits to them)

Craig's pov

"Is this a good place Farther?"

"Yes, yes that's a good spot Tucker!" I place a glass baby Jesus on a shelf, I climb down the latter and grab another fragile piece of glass, "When you finish with that you can call it a day"
"Okay Farther Maxi" After I finished placing the last priceless item for the day I grab the box full of decorations used for church and made my way to my office, I unlock my door and enter. I place the box down by my desk and check my phone

'5 unread messages from 'annoying cry baby 🙁'





You can even bring Tweekyy 😘
Read 6:01pm

Sure, we'll meet you guys there
Read 6:03


Read 6:04

Don't leave me on read dude
Say you love me back!!!
Read 6:05

Read 6:05

I put my phone in my bag and grabbed my coat getting ready to put it on but I stopped when I heard.. "Craig?" I turn around in disbelief that he was awake. I drop my coat and ran to my chair "TWEEK YOU'RE AWAKE!"
"I'm awake?" "Where am I?

"Yea, you've been out since like-"

"W-WHERE AM I!? ACK!" The imp started freaking out, I quickly grab his hands before it could reach his hair

Tweek's pov

I frantically look around the unfamiliar room, have I been kidnapped?! AM I GONNA DIE?! ARGH! I reach to pull on my hair but my hands were quickly drawn back, I look up and meet Craig's eyes
"Don't pull on your hair, you'll ruin it by doing that Darling" D-Darling?
"O-Okay..I'm s-sorry" I felt my cheeks burn as the pastor cupped my cheeks "It's okay, are you calm now?" I nod my head as he pulled his hands away "We're in my office, if you were wondering"
"Your office?"

"I'm a pastor, I work at the church therefore I have my own office"

"Oh, I thought you volunteered here"

"I use to then I was offered a job when I was 16"

"Did you accept it"

"No, of course not" I looked at Craig with a confusing glance "Accepted the Job"


"You're fucking stupid"

"HEy! I've been asleep for hours!"

"Well you better hurry and wake up because I finished my shift for today so we gotta leave" I nod, getting up to stretch

~Little Time Skip~

I was standing there In 'awe' from all the stained glass art around the church, I even picked up a bible and skimmed through the pages but I soon put it down when Craig was walking towards me. "You ready to go Tweek?"
"Mhm!" I waved goodbye to the brunette man behind me and the noiret.
"Craig you don't have to come in tomorrow because you have school but please be here on Sunday! It's so hectic without you here and there's a young lady who is dying to meet with you"

"Ha! Farther you know I'm not looking for a relationship right now"

"I know but she's such a lovely lady! You should give her a shot!"

"Okay, I'll try. See you on Sunday Farther"

"See on Sunday son!" Craig grabs my hand, interlocking our fingers together. I quickly wave bye again to the other pastor as me and Craig walk out the big brown church doors.

Farther Maxi's pov

I wave at the two boys walking out the big church doors. Craig is such a good kid and that girl might be a good fit for him-
Are they holding hands? Wait! Does that blonde boy have a devil's tail?!

Tweek's pov

I look at Craig as we walk down the street to his house, my cheeks burn up when I remember that we're holding hands
"What are you look at?"


"Are you a child? Speak up"

"You're h-holding my hand"

"I know?"


"You get paranoid faster than a RedRacer car and you get scared of loud fast cars, I thought we already established this?"

"Oh ya"

"Do you want me to let go?"

"NO!" I tighten my grip around the noiret's hand as he laughs to himself. I don't know if I should thank god for creating this pastor or satan for making me a imp because I know damn well Craig would never talk to me if I was human but if I were a human maybe he would like me more..

No pov

Tweek- "So why did you call that guy at the church farther? Is he your dad or something?"

Craig- "No he's not my dad, it's just a sign of respect. Everybody in this town calls him farther or Priest"

Tweek- "Oh, What about that girl? What does she want to meet you?"

Craig- "Basically a girl is trying to hit on me. This isn't the first time a girl has asked Farther Maxi to let them ask me out, I don't really see it but a lot of people have said i'm attractive"

Tweek- "You are pretty attractive.." The imp looked up and saw the pastor giving him a playful smirk, this caused the blonde to blush hard "I MEAN IF I WERE A GIRL I W-WOULD THINK YOU'RE ATTRACTIVE A-AND I'D PROBABLY A-ASK YOU OUT T-TOO"

Craig- "You don't have to freak out I've been called hot by guys too, plus you're pretty cute yourself"
Tweek quickly looked away from Craig as his pale face became a dark shade of red, he couldn't get the thought of the noiret thinking he was cute out of his head.

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