Chapter 1- The Pastor And The Quiet Church

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3rd pov

"Damn I hate these people"
Said the young pastor ,Craig Tucker, walking around the church chairs. As the boy strolled through out the church, he sees 3 bibles on the floor in front of him.

The noiret groaned as he kneeled down on one knee to pick up the Bibles.

(If you didn't know a Noiret = black-haired man/Noirette = black-haired woman)

"Why the fuck do people leave the damn bibles on the floor?"
"They must not care for god" He smiles at his own comment

The pastor let's go of the Bibles making them fall back on the floor like they were never picked up. Craig stands up to go find were the loud sound came from.

"Hello? Who's there?"

"Who ever is here the church is closed so leave-"

Craig, who is now irritated that someone was still here; especially, since this was the only time he was fully alone which was when the church was closed. The pastor once again started walking towards the sound to get rid of the intruder of his quite place.

"Who ever you are, leave and if you don't leave I'll have to use forc-"

Craig's pov

My breathing nearly stopped after my words got cut off by the sight of a tall dark figure in the shadows that gave off a physic of a devil. I feel like somebody stole the air from my lungs and threw me in Antarctica as I freeze up in place from fear from the unknown beast; that probably could kill me with one hit. From what I see the shadowy creature has two long, curvy, pointy horns that look like it would cut a hole in my hand if I were to barely poke it. The creature also has a long jagged tail.
I start walking backwards to get as far as possible from this monster but I'm stopped in place by one of those dumb chairs...

FUCK! It's moving out of the shadows AND CLOSER TO ME!
I manage to slide my shaky hand in the pocket of my coat so I could have easier access to my cross. I slowly tighten my grip around the crucifix ready to execute a little hell fucker if it gets too close.

"In the name of all that is holy I DEMAND YOU TO STAY BACK FIEND!" I force my voice to sound loud and tough to make it seem I wasn't scared out of my wits as the tall dark figure slowly crept out the shadows.

"huh..?" This thing isn't a beast... It's a..

( Sorry if this chapter is short I promise future chapters will be much longer!)

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