Chapter 43- A Imp And A Pastor

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(Art by Endless Handbag on tumblr)

Craig's pov

I waved goodbye to the people below me as I passed the microphone to Farther Maxi, "Ladies and gentlemen if you can, please join hands together for our prayer". As I heard the older brunette man speak to the religious people sitting, I scurried down the little steps by the stage then I quickly ran into my office to grab a box full of decorations and little trinkets.

I struggled to open the back door with my fancy black shoes while I tried not to drop my box, after I successfully opened it I closed the door with my hips. I jogged towards the metal fence line behind the church; I pushed the box through a hole I made in the fence before I became a pastor, I slid on under after my box, I quickly picked it up and continued moving the spot.


I threw myself over the fence rather eagerly, If I knew church would end so late I would've decorated before work, I ran out to the crowd leaving our holy sacred place. I anxiously looked for the imp I so longed for, then I spotted his messy, spiky hair. I smiled as I began to speed towards him, I pulled him into the side of the church as he gasped in fear. He screamed out as I let go. "ACK! DON'T EAT ME I TASTE LIKE SHIT!"

"Chill dude it's just me" The blonde open his eyes and looked at me for second before throwing a punch at me "Shit!" I groaned out as I grabbed my arm in pain, I looked up at the boy in front of me, "The fuck was that for?!"
"You made me think I was gonna be kidnapped!"

"Oh yeah, sorry about that" The blondie just crossed his arms and looked away from me, "I understood that you're mad at me but I have to show you something" Tweek looked at me with a raised eyebrow as I held out my hand in-front of him.
"I'll go with you but don't expect me to be nice!"

"Whatever" I quickly grabbed his hand and dragged the annoyed imp towards the broken and slightly rusty metal fence, I let go of Tweek's hand getting ready to climb the fence. "Use the hole down there to crawl under"

"You wanna jump the fence?"


"Then start crawling" I waited on the other side as I watch the imp struggle to not freak out, once he made it out I grabbed his hand, pulling him up in the process.

Tweek's pov

"CRAIG SLOWED DOWN" I cried out to the pastor pulling me as I tried to keep up with his pace, before I could scream some more I slammed right into the noiret as he stood still. "Close your eyes"

"Just do it"

"NO I DON'T TRUST-" I got cut off by Craig grabbing my hands, I looked into his yellow eyes as I felt my cheeks glow a bright red. "Tweek listen I'm not gonna kill you or whatever you think I'm gonna do I just wanna show you something" I stood there shyly staring into his eyes, "So will you close your eyes, I'll guide you"

"Yes but can I please poof? my body hurts"
Craig nodded at my request, I quickly poof back my devil features then closed my eyes, I felt the noiret grab my hand as he slowly pushed us through some bushes till we stopped and Craig let go of my hand, I felt vulnerable without him since my eyes were closed. After a minute or 2 of soft sounds of nature I heard the pastor's voice, "Alright open your eyes", I softly open my eyes, I quickly dropped my jaw in shocked. There was blanket on the ground with some fake candle lights around it, fairy lights were scattered on the trees near us, snacks and drinks where spread across the blanket, Lastly Craig stood in front of me holding a small box. "W-What's all this?"
"It's for you.." I watch the stoic boy flush as he opened the box and pulled out two bracelets with a single star dangling out of it, one was green and the other was blue.
"I got us matching bracelets" Craig walked up to me and put the blue bracelet on me,
"It's gorgeous but why would you do this for me?" The pastor grabbed my hands as he looked at me, softly smiling in the process. "Because you're the most precious person I've ever met, everything you do puts me into a trance and even though sometimes I really wanna send you back to hell, I can't help but want to spend the rest of my life with you" I felt my face turn a bright red as he continued to say flattering things about me that nobody has ever said to me,
"What I'm trying to say is will you be my boyfriend Tweek?.."
I widen my eyes as I heard the words I wished for since the day I met him, I opened my mouth but nothing came out I just there as a flustered mess, "Is that a no?"
"WHAT NO! ITS A YES!" I happily jumped into my now boyfriend's arms but sadly it caught him off guard so we both fell to the ground. I felt tears welling up in my eyes as the noriet sat up, "Woah! What's wrong? Why are you crying?"
"I'm just so happPYY". Craig wiped the small stream off my face as he looked at me, I leaned closer to him as he kept his hands on my cheeks. I felt Craig softly place his lips on me, I widen my eyes out of shock but I soon melted in the kiss I so desperately long for. Once we pulled away I saw my noiret's face bright red, "You're so gay Tweek"
"WHAT?! You kissed me! You're the gay one!"

"Okay and? You enjoyed it gay wad" I furrowed my eyes on the boy below me as he laughed at me, he pulled me back down into another kiss this time it lasted a little longer.

"I love you Craig"

"I love you too honey"

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