Chapter 1 The Very Beginning

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Just like any other Monday, Estella wakes up and gets out of bed to get ready for the day ahead. Since it was a cold November, she made sure to dress warm in her purple sweater and her blue jeans. To top it off, she threw on a pair of socks and her black hightop converse before going to the kitchen to see her mom just finishing cooking breakfast.

"Good morning, mom," she greeted as she sat down at the kitchen table.

"Good morning sweetie, how did you sleep?" Her mother asked.

"I slept alright, what about you?" Estella enquired.

"I slept well, now here is your breakfast," Daniella answered, handing her daughter a plate of food.

"This is delicious, mom," she complimented after taking a bite.

"I'm glad, but I have to head off to work now. Can you walk to school today?" questioned the mother, gathering her things and putting them in her bag.

"Yep, also don't forget I'm babysitting Griffin tonight, so I won't be back until around nine pm," Estella reminded, digging into her food.

"Alright honey, have a good day at school today," said Daniella, giving her daughter a kiss on the head before heading out the door.

Once Estella finished her breakfast, she put her plate in the sink before finishing getting ready for school.

Once ready, she goes to her room, puts her homework in her bag, and heads out to school, making sure to lock the door behind her. About half way through her walk to school, she accidentally meets up with the Blake siblings and their friend, Robin.

"Hey Finn, Gwen, Robin," Estella said with a smile on her face.
"Hey Stella," replied Gwen excitedly.
"Hi Estella," Finney greeted, smiling.
"Hey Stell," said Robin with a smile.
"How are you guys doing today?" she asked. They replied with variations of alright.

"Hey Finn?" Asked Robin.
"Yeah?" He answered.
"Race ya to school?" Robin questioned. Finn turned to Gwen and was about to speak when Estella interrupted him.
"I'll keep an eye on her Finn, and besides, we've only got a five minute walk to get there from here," she told him kindly.
"Are you sure?" He asked, unsure of whether to go or stay.
"Yes, now go have your race," she told him. After that, he looked at Robin, and the pair sprinted off to get to school.

"Finally, they're gone," Gwen sighed.
"Hey, be glad, I let you stick with me," Estella told her in a fake, stern voice . Both of them burst into laughter. The pair kept walking until they reached the fork in the road where Gwen went left for the elementary school, and Estella went right to the middle school. When she entered the school she realised she got there 15 minutes early. Realising this, she grabbed her books from her locker along with her sketchpad and went to her homeroom for first period.

It was no surprise to her that the room was empty when she got there, considering she still had ten minutes to spare. She went and took her seat beside the window, took out her sketchpad, and began drawing. Five minutes later, students start to come into the room and get seated while chatting to their friends about God knows what. She waited for her teacher to arrive before putting away her sketchpad and getting out her textbook for the class.

When her last class before lunch ended, she was about to leave the classroom when her English teacher called Estella up to his desk.

"You wanted to see me, sir?" Estella asked.
"Yes, since you have one of the highest grades in my class and are very patient, I was wondering if you could tutor someone in my other class?" He asked.
"I'm sure I could. Who is it?" She enquired.
"Good, his name is Vance Hopper, I'm sure you've heard of him. He has quite the... reputation. He is a year below you, so I was wondering if you could tutor him as he seems to ignore any efforts I make in helping him," he explained.
"Sure, I have a free period next class so I could try to sort something out then," she answered.
"Oh good, thank you, Estella. I believe he also has a free period after lunch, so you should be able to find him then," he responded.
"Alright, goodbye, Mr. Hughes," she said, leaving the class.

Estella walked through the cafeteria to find a table on her own so that she could eat and then do a bit of sketching before going to find Vance Hopper to talk about tutoring him.

After Lunch

Estella had packed up her things and made a quick stop at her locker to put away the books she didn't need before going to find Vance Hopper. She walked around to the back of the school and found him just leaning against the wall. She hesitated for a second before putting on a brave face and walking up to him.

"Hi there," she greeted him with a smile. When he heard her, he turned to her and glared.
"What," He asked, pissed off that someone was bothering him.
"Mr. Hughes, the English teacher, he asked me to tutor you," she told him, taking a step closer to him. Vance stood up straight and glared at the girl infront of him, but instead of her cowering away, she just glared back. Seeing that she wasn't going to take no for an answer, he stopped glaring at her and leant back against the wall.
"Tch, fine, now what?" He asked.
"Well, when are you free? You can come over to my house, and we can start on the tutoring," she told him.
"I don't have any plans," he muttered, begrudgingly.
"What about Thursday, after school?" She enquired.
"Fine," he answered.
"Okay, well, you just bring your notes book, and we'll go from there," she told him, shooting him a smile.
"Okay," he agreed before going back into the school. Estella went into the school and headed towards her next class.
This is gonna be a long day, she thought to herself.

*After school*

Estella walked out of the building, relieved that the school day was over. Just before going on her way, she spotted Robin, Finney, and Gwen again. She took a second to think before jogging up to the trio slowing as she approached them. Quietly, she crept up to them and hovered her hands above Finney and Robin's shoulders.

"Boo!" she yelled as she grabbed their shoulders. The trio jumped out of their skin with small yelps after she scared them.
"Hahaaa, you should've seen your faces," she told them, laughing.
"You scared the shit out of us Stell, good job, I respect that," Robin said, laughing slightly, still a little shaken from the scare.
"Hi Estella," Finn greeted. "I have to admit you did a good job sneaking up on us," Finney said with a dry chuckle.
"You really did," Gwen agreed. The odd four kept walking until Estella had to part from them with small goodbyes before heading towards Griffin's house.

Once she arrived there, Estella knocked on the door and waited a few seconds to see Mrs. Stagg open the door.
"Oh, hello, Estella," the woman greeted kindly.
"Hi Mrs. Stagg, can I come in?" Estella questioned.
"Of course, come one in, Griffin is just in his room if you want to go say hi," Mrs. Stagg told her. "Now I am off to work since you're here, goodbye Griffin!" She yelled into him.
"Goodbye, mom," he responded.
"Alright, have a good day at work, good bye, Mrs. Stagg," said Estella, shutting the door behind Mrs. Stagg.


I hope that you enjoyed reading the first real chapter, as much as I did writing this. I will continue it in the next chapter for two reasons. The reason 1 is that it is 2am, and I'm sick because 2 is that this chapter is already over 1,300 words.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it and I will see you next chapter ♡

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