The Sleep-over Begins

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Griffin smiled excitedly at Gwen's response and took her by the hand, leading her to the snake in his bedroom.

"What's your favourite kind of snake?" Griffin asked Gwen.

"Probably cornsnakes they're just so small and cute," she answered with a smile.

"They are really cute, but I'd be afraid of stepping on them," Griffin agreed, nervously rubbing the nape of his neck.

"Well, at least you won't have that problem with Banana Bread. She's probably gonna get way bigger," Gwen laughed.

"Yeah, you're right," Griffin laughed with her. "Well, here we are, and you shouldn't worry if she hisses at you. She just gets like that with people she doesn't recognise."

"Alright, lead the way."

The pair walked into the room where the snake was being kept and Gwen took a small step back realising that the snake was more intimidating than she first seemed, but with a kind, reassuring smile from Griffin, she walked up toward the large tank the python was being kept in. Griffin was about to speak, but as he was about to, Banana Bread let out a loud hiss only this time. Gwen wasn't afraid. Seeing that the girl wasn't afraid anymore, Griffin took a few steps forward so that he could pull the weighted lid off of the tank. Reaching both of his hands in, the young boy picked up the heavy snake, and as soon as he did, the snake curled loosely around his arm in comfort.

"She's beautiful," Gwen commented, looking at the snake in awe.

"Do you wanna hold her?" Griffin asked, gesturing to the reptile that had ensnared his arm.

"Hell yeah," Gwen enthused. Once he saw her excitement, Griffin handed the large snake over to his new friend, showing her the correct ways to hold a snake her size without hurting her. And to his pleasant surprise, Banana Bread took a great liking to the older girl.

"She's so soft," Gwen spoke quietly. "I thought her scales would be rough, but they're really smooth."

"She really likes you," Griffin smiled.

"Really, how can you tell?" Gelwen asked.

"Well, it kind of depends on the snake, but whenever Banana Bread likes someone, she slithers up their arm, she's trying to get to your neck since it's one of the warmest places to the snake," he explained to the curious girl. "There's only two people she has ever done that with, me and Estella, and now you," Griffin and Gwen shared a smile, they could see that they're new found friendship would last.

Meanwhile, in the other room, Finney and Estella sat down on the couch and got talking whilst they waited for Griffin and Gwen to return.

"Is there anyone you like?" Estella interrogated.

"What, no, why would you ask that!?" Finney fumbled. The question definitely caught him off guard.

"You sure about that? Cause your face is turning pink," the older girl laughed.

"No, I'm not. And even if I did, which i don't, I wouldn't tell you anyway, you'd blab to Gwenny and she wouldn't leave me alone about it, atleast when it's just you I don't have to spend pretty much my whole day with you," Finney laughed with her. The odd pair laughed together until the two younger people stepped back into the room with their bags in hand.

"Now, are you guys ready to leave?" Estella asked them, still out of breath from laughing so hard.
"Yeah, that snake is so cool," Gwen told them.
"Well then, let's head off," Estella announced. After that was said everyone double-checked that they hadn't forgotten anything, and once they were sure they didn't, they left to finish the walk to Estella's house.

Once they arrived, they left their bags behind the couch so that they would be out of the way.
"Okay you three, I have a choice for you to make since I'm so indecisive, we can either go to the 'Grab n' Go' or we can go to the park, what do you think?" enquired the older girl.
In the end, everyone agreed to go to the 'Grab n' Go', so Estella ran to her room to grab some money to bring with them.

The walk from Estella's house to store was only about seven minuted long, so they got there pretty quick. However, when they got there, they spotted their friend standing outside, waiting for them.
"Hey Robin," Estella greeted since she was first to notice him, Finney and Gwen soon following in suit, but Griffin was still a bit shy.
"Hey guys, are we gonna get some candy or what?" Robin said jokingly before entering the store, us on his tail.

"Each of you can pick out some candy, some chocolate, some chips and a drink, okay? That's all I'm buying you lot," I laughed, and we split up, wandering around the store to find out items.

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