Chapter 4 Getting to Know Him

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"Of course, sit anywhere. You're Bruce, right?" she asked.

"Yup, that's me, and your Estella, right?" he answered with a warm smile, sitting across from the kind girl.

"That's right, it's nice to really meet you," Estella told him, smiling back and reaching out a hand to shake with him.

"It's nice to meet you too," he said, shaking Estella's hand.

"So, why is it that you are so familiar looking? I know it's a small town and everything, but there's something else," Estella questioned, trying to find an answer to the question that had been bugging her.

"I'm not sure, but I recognise you from somewhere too," he replied. the two both sat in silence, trying to find an answer to the question they had both been thinking about, but then Estella broke the silence with a noise of recognition.

"I know how I know you," Estella announced with grin.

"How? I've been racking my brains tryna' figure it out," Bruce asked.

"I babysit the Blake siblings sometimes, and you used to pick up your little sister Amy from there," Estella reminded him, deja vu hitting her like a train.

"Yes, I remember now! You used play boardgames with the girls, and you taught them how to braid hair, right?" He added.

"Yeah, I remember watching them get so excited everytime they got it right, not to mention how they would each take half of my hair and do whatever they wanted with it," Estella told him with a laugh.

"As soon as we left the porch, Amy wouldn't stop talking about how fun she had with you and Gwen," Bruce added, laughing as well. The pair spent a while talking and catching up on what had happened in the last year or so since the Yamada parents tended to pick up Amy whenever she was at the Blake's. The two kept chatting until the first bell went off, and they walked off to their next classes. The rest of the day went by smoothly for Estella. However, something that really pissed her off was all the gossip that people were talking about her elementary school friend Robin. Everybody was either just yabbering on and on about how he was such an idiot for picking fights or others in awe of how strong he was for a twelve year old. Estella knew that Robin didn't care about what people said about him, but she couldn't help but feel a bit protectiv eof him, after all she basically grew up with the boy and saw him as a younger brother, just like Finney an Griffin. But other taen that she was fine and the school day went smoothly.

Estella had just left the school and was headed over to the elementary school since she told Griffin that she would walk him home. Griffin didn't tell her but Estella knew that some peoplea few years above him were picking on him, so he didn't like walking home alone and unfortunately every Tuesday for the young boy, he had to walk home since his mother was always super busy on Tuesdays and couldn't pick him up from school. Estella waited around for a few minutes to try and see him come out of the school, but when he didn't, Estella walked around to the back of the school to see that Matty and his two friends were pushing Griffin around. Estella knew of the trio since they tend to pick on Finney when Robin isn't around. Griffin tried to hold his own against the trio but ultimately got pushed to the floor, and then the bullies decided that it would be funny to try kick the younger boy.

Estella had seen enough, and soon enough, she was storming over to the small group of boys huddled around Griffin and kicking the poor boy. 

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" she demanded, emphasising the curse. Upon hearing her behind them the three turned around so fast they were no doubt dizzy. Once Matty and his goons saw who it was behind them they immediately backed up and away from Griffin.

"I asked you a question," she demanded again. No one ever saw Estella this pissed unless she caught someone messing with her friends. Everyone tried to avoid angering her like that because last time someone tried to beat up Finney, she ended up catching him and gave him one puch to the face, breaking his nose in the process, before she went to make sure Finney wasn't hurt to badly. Word got around to both of the schools and it was safe to say that no one messed with her friends within a fifty foot radius of her. It was the only time she ever actually hit someone but it sent a very strong message across when the kindest girl in north Denver broke a kid's nose for fucking with her friends.

"W-We were just m-messing around," Matty stuttered, looking at the ground.

"I-It won't happen again," Buzz added, stuttering slightly out of fear. He was the first of the trio to look the older girl in the eyes, and boy did he regret it. Her face was filled with anger and her eyes were cold. Buzz got the other two boys and dragged them off before anyone got punched. When they started running off, Estella remembered what got her so angry and ran over to Griffin to make sure he was okay. After a quick check, Estella figured out that nothing was badly hurt or broken and that he would just have some cut and bruises plus a split lip.

"Are you okay Griffin? They sure did a number on you," Estella asked him to make sure that he was okay.

"I'll be okay, and thank you for that it probably would have been worse if you didn't step in, it was super badass and funny how they ran away when all you did was glare at them," Griffin praised, laughing slightly at the end of his sentence.

"Next time you better tell me when someone's picking on you, I only knew because you didnt show up when I was supposed to walk you home," Estella informed him, a little disappointed that he didn't just tell her they were picking on him. "Anyway, I made those blueberry muffins you love this morning and I have one for you if you want it."

"You did, could I please have one?" he begged, his eyes sparkling just a bit, with his spirits raised. Estella, of course, said yes and gave him the muffin. Once he finished it the pair set off on the walk to Griffin's house before Estella would move on to her own house.

Once Griffin was safely in his house and the two had said goodbye, Estella noticed something out of the corner of her eye. It was a black van, with the words 'Abracadabra, Entertainment & Supplies' printed across the side of it. The most notable feature on the van for Estella was that every window on the van was tinted in a way that you could not see inside of it. The girl took note of this as she kept walking but occasionally looking behind her to make sure that it wasn't following her. Luckily, the van turned down one of the roads and away from the walking girl. Estella let out a sigh that she didn't realise she was holding. The girl just continued on her way home as normal unlocking the door to the house. Her mother had a double shift at the hospital that day so Estella knew that she would probably be alone in the house for the rest of the night. 

Estella had gotten everything she needed to get done like homework and a few chores, and when six pm rolled around she was very hungry, so naturally she looked in the fridge to find some spaghetti bolognese with a note form her mother. 

It read: Hi sweetie,

I hope you got home alright, I made you something so that you can eat it whenever you get hungry.

Love, Mom.

Estella took some of the food, put it into a bowl and heated it up in the microwave before walking over to the living room to eat and watch a movie. A few hours passed and Estella decided to put away her dishes and get ready for bed. Estella took a shower, got changed into some pyjamas and brushed her damp hair. With nothing else to do, Estella got into bed and fell asleep, waiting for the next day.

1482 words

*Author Note*

Thank you all for you patience with me and I really enjoyed writing these two chapters. I will try my best to be more consistent with my updates but please remember that within the next three weeks I will be going back to school so please bare with me. I hope that you can continue to enjoy reading my story, and I hope you have a wonderful day/night.

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