Chapter 3 A New Face and Flashbacks

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The next morning, Estella wakes up bright and early, so she decides to get ready for the day. Walking over to her dresser, she picks out a new outfit for the day, consisting of some blue jeans with flowers embroidered on the ends, a white t-shirt, and a purple cardigan, topping it off with a pair of socks and her black Doc Martens, she grabbed her backpack and left the room to go and make some breakfast for herself and her mother.

Before going to the kitchen, Estella walks towards the front door of her house. Unlocking the door, Estella steps out into the early morning sun, the brightness of the sun blinding her for a second before her eyes got used to the bright star. She looked down the street to see the Paperboy doing his rounds already.

"Hello Billy," she greeted as he came to a stop outside of her house.
"Good morning, Estella," he greeted with a warm smile.
"Here's your newspaper," he said, handing her the bundled up paper.
"Thank you, Billy, and hello to you too, Rover," she said, bending down and petting his dog's golden fur.
"Well, we have to get going. It was nice to chat with you, though," he told Estella.
"Of course, they aren't paying you for talking now, are they?" She joked, sending the Paperboy a smile.
"Bye Stell," he called to her with a smile before continuing on his rounds.
"Stay safe, Billy," she reminded him before walking back inside of her house.

Estella goes to the kitchen and has a quick skim through one of her mother's recipe books to try and find something to make for breakfast. She ends up deciding to make some blueberry breakfast muffins. Estella collected the ingredients that she would need and gets to work on making them. Just as Estella was taking them out of the oven, her mother emerged from her bedroom, all dressed and ready for the day ahead.

"Good morning, sweetie," she greeted as she walked over to the cupboard, getting out two plates and two glasses, pouring some orange juice into both of them.
"Good morning, mom," Estella said back, carefully placing the hot muffins onto a plate.
"How did you sleep?" The mother enquired.
"I slept well, what about you?" Estella answered.
"I slept fine, and those muffins look amazing, Stella," she complimented, taking a seat at the table. Estella thanked her mother before grabbing four of the seven muffins and carefully putting them in a tupperware box and putting it inside of her backpack before taking a glass and drinking some orange juice.

"Sweetie, can I ask why you're taking so many muffins with you?" Her mother questioned, confused at her daughter's appetite.
"They're not all for me," she started. "I'm bringing some extras because I know how much Gwen and Griffin like my breakfast muffins," Estella answered with a kind smile.
"That's alright, Stella. I just didn't want you to be sick and have to miss school is all," her mother told her, relief replacing the once concerned look on her face.
"Of course, mom, but those muffins took longer than expected, so if I don't head out now, I'm gonna be late school," Estella reminded her finishing off her glass of juice, before taking a muffin in hand for herself.

"Goodbye, mom," Estella called from the front door.
"Have a good day at school, sweetie," her mother replied.

Estella shut the door and started on her walk to school like every morning, only this time she got to eat her delicious muffin. On the way to school, of course, she met up with the Blake siblings plus Robin and decided to try and catch up with them once she had finished her muffin.

"Hey, you guys," Estella called to them.
"Good morning, Stella," Gwen greeted.
"Hi Star," Finney addressed.
"Hey Star," Robin chorused.
"I made some muffins this morning. I don't suppose you guys want some?" She asked, pulling the tupperware box out of her bag before returning the bag to its rightful place on her back.
"Um.. Yes," Gwen said in a 'duh' kind of tone.
"Yes, please," Finney answered with a smile.
"Of course," Robin replied, grinning. Estella smiled at the trio's excitement and handed them each a muffin from the box before putting it back into her bag.

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