Chapter 5 The Start of a Fun Friendship

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Just like any other morning, Estella got up and went to find some clothes to throw on. Settling on some blue jeans, a grey t-shirt, and a plain light green sweater, she threw on her clothes and packed the things that she would need for the school day into her school bag. Grabbing her backpack, the girl left her room and headed straight to the kitchen. Estella was very tired that morning, so she just got herself some cereal and a glass of juice. After her breakfast, Estella was feeling a lot more awake and since she had a few minutes to spare before she had to leave, she walked into the living room to watch some TV before leaving for school. Alas, the girl had to leave for school a few minutes later, so she grabbed her bag, put it on her back, and left for school.

The walk to school was going as normal until Estella saw something turning onto the road that she was walking down. Again, Estella saw the black van with the tinted windows, and just as it had the previous day, it slowed slightly as it approached the girl before continuing down the road. Estella, once again, took note of the peculiar van. She had only seen it the evening before, so the question that was rattling around in her head was, 'Where did it even come from?' Estella shook off the thought and continued on her way to school, but the question still lingered in the back of her mind.

To take her mind off of the strange van, Estella decided to really take in the scene around her. I wasn't as cold of a day as the one before, but there was a cool breeze on top of the cold weather. The leaves had all fallen off of the trees and scattered on the cold ground, making a satisfying crunch when you stepped on one. There were few clouds in the sky, and the early morning sun was shining bright in the sky. It was a very quiet morning, which wasn't unusual in the small town. The peacefulness of the area around her put the girls racing mind at ease

About halfway through her walk to school, Estella heard something, but what was it? Estella recognised the yells that she was hearing, and once she got a bit closer, she saw that Robin was fighting someone, and when Estella realised who he was fighting, she was furious. The older girl was able to put two and two together so when she saw Finney off to the side cradling a bloody nose and Robin yelling with Matty, she assumed that Robin caught Matty and his goons bullying Finney again. Almost completely blinded by rage, she was about to storm up to them when the rational part of her brain kicked in. So, instead, Estella left Robin to take care of Matty and his two friends for the time being whilst she went over to Finney and Gwen to make sure that they were okay.

"Finney, Gwen, hey, are you okay? What happened?" Estella questioned as she walked right up to them.

"Hi Stell, other than my nose, I'm fine. Those three just decided to try and pick on me again, but Robin and Gwen stopped them before doing any real damage," he said, giving his younger sister a small smile

"Oh, were they now," Estella said, glaring in their direction. "Finney, you stay here and try not to touch your nose too much, you don't wanna make it worse, and you too, Gwen stay here, I'm going over to them," she told them.

"Wait what, no don't they could hurt you," Finney said, worried for his friend.

"Trust me, Finn, they won't," Estella said, a scowl replacing the onoce kind look on her face before walking over to Robin and Matty and his morons. Once Estella reached them, she put a hand on Robin's shoulder and gave him a knowing look, Robin nodded and walked over to Finney to help him out.

"What did I tell you yesterday," Estella called, making herself known. Once again, when the three boys looked at her, their faces paled and eyes widened, realising that she had found them once again.

"I have told you before to stay away from my friends, and once again, I find you three bullying them," Estella reminded with an eerily calmness in her voice. "I know that you pick on and fight people just to make you feel big and confident, but let me tell you something... You're not. People who act the way that you do won't have good things coming for them. They will only find anger and sadness in their lives, so since I am feeling so very kind today, I will give you one final chance, and if you screw it up, you're going to find out just how far I would go for my friends," Estella finished, still with the eerily calm tone, glaring at the three.

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