My alarm woke me up from my slumber. It was the day. The day where I had to leave it up to fate and destiny of how this day would go.
"Ack ang ingay ng alarm!"
I turned the other way around to grab my phone from annoyance and shut my alarm off.
"..." "It's Saturday." "It's the day of the date."
I laughed nervously.
"Buti nga naman mamaya pa sa gabi" "I still have to get ready though."
I hopped off of bed and took a nice, warm shower. After that, I changed and then I went on to decide what clothes I should wear later at night.
"This? No, too bright."
"Too extra"
"Too flashy"
"Why would I wear pajamas to a date, what?"
I then found the outfit that fit the best for me.
"Aha! Ayun lang naman pala." "I know exactly what accessories to match with this fit."
I smiled cheekily.
"Yehey, step one done." "Now that leads me to step two, wrapping this book as a gift of some sort."
"Uh." "You know what, putting it in a paper bag with some wrapping paper isn't too bad, right? Yeahhh."
I got ahead and found a white paper bag that wasn't in use. I also got some beige-ish wrapping paper and placed it inside the bag.
I then carefully put the book inside, still sealed. I covered it up with some more wrapping paper and step two was done.
I went downstairs to eat some breakfast, since my stomache was growling.
"Morning Rhirhi!"
"Morning kuya!"
"Eggs for breakfast, okay lang?"
"Oh sure, I'm fine with anything really."
He smiled.
We then ate breakfast and the day went along smoothly.
Special Day ! (・o・)
9:45 am Mei added you to the group chat. Mei added Sora to the group chat. Mei added Jungwon to the group chat.
9:50 am Mei named the group chat 'Special Day ! (・o・)'
Mei • Hihi!!!! • Mag active nmn kayo che
Rhia What's this? •
Jungwon • (2)
Mei • GC to plan the date later so it goes smoothly!🙌
Sora • ?
Rhia Ohh I see • I have my outfit ready •
Mei • Woah, wla pa nga ako naka ligo eh
Jungwon replied to your message • Same, It's on my bed at the moment.
Sora • 👍
Mei • Cold si bubb(╥﹏╥)
The day went by like normal. All four of us— Well, I guess the three of us were planning out the "date" smoothly in our group chat. By then, it was already around 5 pm. Our date was set at at around 6:30.
I contacted Jungwon if he would commute on the way to the restaurant, and he replied saying he would. I then just decided to commute as well, so that my brother didn't have to drive me there.
"Oh my gosh, rush our nga pala ngayon." "Kakayanin, hahanap ako ng taxi" "Lord baka naman haha"
Luckily, I got to hop on a taxi without having to stand by, waiting so long. I then told the driver the location, and we drove off.
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