𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒏𝒆

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"Kywe can I get these?" Kyliyah little sister Kylani asked holding up a bag of sour patch kids, chuckling at the way she pronounced her name

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"Kywe can I get these?" Kyliyah little sister Kylani asked holding up a bag of sour patch kids, chuckling at the way she pronounced her name.

"Go ahead and get em' fat mama." She chuckled, throwing them into the buggy.

Her little sister was only 2 years old and she would always keep her while her mom worked or needed a break.

"Kywe can I stay with you tonight, Kywin is mean." Kylani stated referring to their brother Kyrin.

"Why you say that pretty girl?" She questioned furrowing her eyebrows together.

"Cuz' him always tell me to wait when I ask for something and him call me bald hwead." She scrunched her face up, making her chuckle.

"Girl so wait and you know you not bald headed baby" She laughed out loud at Kylani.

Bestiee 💖
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"What Jayla?" Kyli asked answering the call, making Kehlen mug her.,

"Well hello to you too mad ass" She mugged her through the phone.

"Don't say bad words Kehwen" Kylani stated , making Kehlen do a yikes face.

"Oh shit my bad Lani bug" She spoke , making Kyli laugh.

"Where y'all at anyways?" Kehlen asked. "The grocery store I came in hea' to get some stuff to cook." She replied.

"Oh, you tryna' go ta' this party with me tomorrow?" She cheesed , making Kyli laugh.

"I knew it was something, now you know ion' do par-"  She began but was cut off.

"Just come this one time for me pleaseeeee" She begged, making her mentally roll her eyes.

"I guess"

"Bet, I'm coming ta' get you at 10 and make sure yo' momma have her own child please and thanks" Kehlen rolled her eyes, making her chuckle.

"Bitch this my baby, im finna go checkout tho" She joked , making her laugh.

"Bitch please, we team fuck them kids!" She exclaimed, making Kyli laugh.

"Imma' talk to you lata' tho love you'" She says before hanging up.

After She paid for her groceries she took the buggy out to where her car was parked. She carefully put her bags into her car one by one before grabbing Kylani and buckling her into her car seat.

She returned the buggy back into the store before getting back in the car. "Damn it's hot as fuck!" She whispered to herself wiping the sweat from her forehead.

"Kywe can we get McDonald's? Kylani asked from the backseat making her chuckle.

"Yea baby we can get McDonald's." She replied making her smile.

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