𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏

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"Bitch where the fuck is this bitch at, I told her to be here at 10 it's damn near 12" Justice mugged, unplugging her curling iron

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"Bitch where the fuck is this bitch at, I told her to be here at 10 it's damn near 12" Justice mugged, unplugging her curling iron.

"We can't just make the bitch magically appear, so just shut the hell up until she get here damn" Leon mugged Justice, making her scoff.

Kyliyah chuckled as the 2 went back and forth arguing. She had been at the salon doing hair since 6 o'clock, she was really tired and was ready to go home and just call it a night.

She'd been working at Justice's shop doing hair for almost a year. She'd often do hair in her home when she didn't feel like going to the shop. She was currently saving up for her own working place.

"Girl where the fuck have you been?" Justice semi yelled, as her client bre snickered.

"Bitch I had a lil d-a I couldn't miss out on" She stuck her tongue out giggling.

"Akekeke my ass , I was this close from canceling that damn appointment" Justice pinched her fingers together trying to emphasize the point.

"Bitch please if you wanted to cancel that damn appointment you would've been did it , this hoe is a hour late" Leon rolled his eyes, continuing to straighten his client's hair with the hot comb burning her.

"Damn bitch the fuck" She jumped, holding her head away from Leon. "Bitch stop being dramatic it was just a lil burn" He mugged, as she held her head.

Kyliyah laughed as she grabbed her keys, her purse, and her phone.

"I'm finna head out, see y'all bitches later" She blew them a kiss, before walking out of the door.

She walked towards her car, unlocking it and hopping in starting the car up. She turned the AC up as she wiped sweat from her forehead. She shuffled her playlist before she pulled off heading home.

Once she pulled into her driveway, she turned her car off hoping out of the car making her way to the front door

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Once she pulled into her driveway, she turned her car off hoping out of the car making her way to the front door. She unlocked the door freezing as she saw Scar sitting on the couch watching SpongeBob and eating a bag of Doritos.

"How the fuck you get in my house?" She frowned closing the door, kicking her shoes off.

"Don't worry about allat, where you been?" He asked, while he kept his attention on the Tv.

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