𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕

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Kyliyah stirred in her sleep feeling a arm wrapped around her waist pulling her closer

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Kyliyah stirred in her sleep feeling a arm wrapped around her waist pulling her closer. She yawned and turned, noticing a shirtless Scar. Her eyelids began fluttering open, realizing they fell asleep on the couch.

He was sleeping peacefully, while his mouth hung slightly agape making her smile softly.

"Ke'shawn" She tapped him lightly, trying to wake him from his sleep.

"What" He mumbled, waking up. His eyes opened slowly taking in his surroundings.

"Don't what me, get up it's almost 11" She stated , sitting up making him groan.

"That don't got shit to do with me Kyli" He replied nonchalantly, while she mugged him.

"Boy get the fuck up" She kept her mug, getting out of his grip.

He groaned again before raising from the couch, stretching his muscles , as they made their way to the bathroom.

"Man give me a damn toothbrush and towel" He mugged, making her chuckle.

"Lose yo' attitude I'll make you walk around with a funky mouth" She laughed, handing him a toothbrush and face towel making him snatch it from her.

"Nobody got no damn attitude, the fuck up" He mugged her, wetting the towel.

"Ke'shawn don't piss me off" She mugged, washing her face with her Cera Ve facial cleanser.

After doing her usual hygiene routine, she made her way to the kitchen where Ke'shawn was.

"I'm finna head out ma" He stated, zipping up his jacket, kissing her forehead.

"You ain't gon' stay for breakfast?" She asked, making him shake his head.

"I'll see you later Shawn text me when you make it home" He nodded in response before heading out the door.

She turned the stove on making herself pancakes , bacon , sausage , and eggs. When she finished making everything she poured herself a cup of orange juice.

She sat down and ate in peaceful silence, enjoying her meal. Once she was done she washed her dishes.

She went to her room and laid in her bed opening TikTok, after switching from TikTok to Instagram for a while she found herself dozing off.

Mama 💜
Incoming Phone Call...
Accept| Decline

She woke up groaning as she heard her phone ringing opening her eye she reached over picking it up, answering.

"Hello?" She answered, hearing shifting from the other line.

"Kywe!" Kylani happily yelled from the other line, making her chuckle.

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