𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒊𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏

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Ke'Shawn slowly opened his eyes, feeling himself being pulled out of a deep slumber

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Ke'Shawn slowly opened his eyes, feeling himself being pulled out of a deep slumber. He groaned rubbing his eyes, looking down at Kyliyah as she slept peacefully on his bare chest. He sighed looking at the very visual red bruise that was forming on her neck.

He couldn't help but feel guilt. He knew his actions had affected her more than he thought, that they could. And now there was a mark there, one he definitely did not plan for.

He tried to get out from underneath her without waking her up, as he quietly got out of the bed, as he slipped his shoes on looking over at Kyli who was sound asleep.

He gave her a soft kiss on her forehead before he left the room grabbing his keys. Making his way to the front door he opened it letting himself out, locking it once he exited.

He walked around to the driver's side to his car as he hopped in. He started the car up pulling out of her drive way and drove back to his house, parking inside his garage. He turned the car off, before unbuckled his seatbelt stepping out of the car locking the door.

He unlocked his front door, stepping inside closing the door behind him. He placed his wallet on the counter before making his way towards the stairs leading to his bedroom. Once reaching the top, he went into the bathroom stripping out of his clothes and turning on the shower.

He stepped under the spray of warm water and stood there lost in his thoughts. His mind was constantly replaying the events of last night, his actions making him madder than he had ever felt.

After finishing his shower, Ke'Shawn dried off, slipping on a pair of boxers and grey sweatpants. He walked back into his room, the air thick with tension and regret. The room felt suffocating, as if the weight of his actions lingered in every corner.

He sat on the edge of his bed, staring at his phone that lay on the nightstand. A part of him wanted to pick it up, to call Kyliyah and apologize once again. But another part of him knew that his words were empty without any action to back them up.

They weren't even talking for 2 months yet and he had already messed up. Ke'Shawn looked up hearing someone knock at the door.

He walked downstairs answering the door seeing Kehlen, Zay , and Kyrin. "Wadd- Bitch I know mufuckin well you ain't touch my sister." Kyky cut him off, making Ke'shawn scoff.

"Ian hit her" He straight faced him, making them push past him entering the house. Ke'Shawn closed the door behind them watching them walk over to the couch. He sighed sitting on the arm chair across the room.

"Yall must was fucking and you gripped her neck to hard?" Kehlen raised her eyebrow, making him laugh.

"Kehlen just shut the fuck up, damn" Zay rolled his eyes, causing Kehlen ta flick him off.

"Nah' that ain't what happened.." He trailed off, being cut off by Kyrin.

"Well what the fuck happened, cause im this close from knocking the Mario coins out yo' ass." Kyky mugged him, pinching his fingers together.

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