𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏

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Kyliyah stirred in her sleep, flipping over in Keshawn's king sized bed

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Kyliyah stirred in her sleep, flipping over in Keshawn's king sized bed.

After what went down at the Party last night he forced her to come to his house, just because he didn't want her to be alone.

"Wake yo' ass up" Ke'shawn threw a pillow at her head, making her groan.

"Shawn move, you aggy as fuck" She mumbled, as he laughed, causing her to glare at him.

"Calm yo lil ass down girl" He laughed again, causing her to get up from the bed pushing past him.

"I need a toothbrush shawny pooh" She smiled big, as he walked into the bathroom opening the cabinet above the sink and giving her a pink toothbrush, along with a face towel.

"Thank you sweet face" She chuckled, wetting her toothbrush.

After doing her normal hygiene, she left the bathroom making her way downstairs licking her lips as she smelled the aroma
of breakfast.

She walked into the kitchen seeing a shirtless Ke'shawn standing over the stove flipping the pancakes while listening to Ex- Factor by Lauryn Hill, smiling at the sight.

"Aww look at youuuu" She cooed, making him chuckle.

"You ain't tell me you knew how to cook" Kyli laughed, as he walked towards her with a plate of food, placing it infront of her.

"That's because you never asked" He laughed, fixing her a glass of orange juice.

She took a picture of her food, before posting it on her instagram story.

⚫️ kylielisee

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She poured some syrup on her pancakes and began to eat her food moaning at the taste, making him chuckle.

"I know it's good boo" Keshawn stuck his tongue out, swiping his hand under his neck doing the 'period' motion.

"You always acting sassy" She bussed out laughing, watching as got his plate and glass of apple juice and sat directly beside her.

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