𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚

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Kyliyah woke up, looking around rubbing her eye, and realizing she had fallen asleep on the couch

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Kyliyah woke up, looking around rubbing her eye, and realizing she had fallen asleep on the couch. She grabbed her phone and checked her phone seeing the time was currently 11:23 am.

She looked around in curiosity, wandering where Ke'shawn went to.

She stood from the couch yawning and stretching her arms before walking out of the living room.

She made her way upstairs towards her bathroom which was connected to her bedroom and did her normal morning hygiene. She left the bathroom and made her way towards the kitchen.

She smiled once she saw a bouquet of red roses and a Waffle House bag sitting on her island.

Kyli smiled, picking up the roses, and reading over the little card that was attached to them.

Hope you like em mama, some came up I'll see you later. -Ke'shawn <3

Her smile grew even wider, hugging them close to her chest. She grabbed a vase that was in her cabinet and filled it with water. She placed the flowers in the Vase, setting it down next to her stove.

She grabbed the Waffle House bag
from her island, pulling it open to reveal a plate of Chocolate chip waffles, eggs, and bacon along with a bottle of orange juice.

Kyliyah grabbed a fork as well as syrup drizzling a little on top of her waffles, before hearing her phone ring, instantly smiling at the name.

Lanii Bug 👶🏽💕
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"Hiii Ba- Kywe mommy is being mean!" Ky'lani cried, making her smile drop almost immediately.

She knew how sensitive Lani was so she hated it whenever Ky'Lani cried, it would always break her heart to see her hurt or upset.

"What happened baby?" She asked worriedly, hearing her sniff on the other line.

"Her won't let me play with A'maya no more." She told her, making Kyli's heart sink.

"Well baby maybe it's a reason.." She trailed off, unable to tell her the real reason.

"Her say she not like her mommy and daddy" She started sobbing, making Kyli feel terrible.

"Don't cry baby, I'm coming to get you later. Okay? So stop all that crying. You too pretty for that." She told her, waiting for Ky'lani to calm down.

"Okay Kywe, I wuv you," She said after a few minutes, making Ky'lani giggle.

"I love you too pretty baby" She chuckled, before hanging up.

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