Chapter 15 (Gen)

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"Valentine's looking for you." Melody blurts as I open my locker the next day at school.

My brow furrows.

"Did he say why?" I say, pulling out my books.

"I'm not allowed to say.."

I gasp.

"Melody! Your keeping secrets for Valentine?"

She winces. "Look I'm sorry but you should just go see him yourself. He's coming over."

I whip my head around to the direction she's looking at and Valentine is very sketchily in a good mood, carrying flowers. He stops at my locker and looks at me expectantly.

I sigh.

"What's with the flowers?" I say, because I know he's dying for me to ask.

"They're for you." He hands them to me as I blink up at him.

"What for?"

"I wanted to ask you something." He brushes his hair out of his eyes and scratches his neck.


My heart starts beating faster than it should.

"Okay?" I croak out.

"Do you maybe wanna go to prom with me? Maybe? Please?" He says holding my gaze.

I blush against my better judgement.

"Is this some kind of sick joke, Valentine?"

His eyes widen and he fidgets with his necklace.

"No! No. I wouldn', it's not a joke. I promise."

He seems serious.

"Then why the hell would you ask me to prom? What's in it for you?"

"Nothing. Nothing's in it for me."

"Then why are you asking?"

"Because I want to. Okay? So are you going to go with me or not?" He says, scowling at me. His cheeks are tinged just the slightest bit red.

"Why would you want to take me to the prom?" I say, dodging his question.

He rolls his eyes at me and I think I hear him mutter "Fucking clueless."

"It doesn't matter why. Yes or no?"

" kind of does."

"Why do you wanna know?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You're just dying to know why I asked you to prom. Why?"

"Valentine. I. Don't. Care." I say, even as my heart thuds so loud I'm sure everyone can hear it, including him.

"Okay. Yes or no?"


"Fine what?"

I glare at his stupid smug gorgeous face.

"I will go to prom with you."

"So that's a yes?" He says, grinning like he's won something significant.

"Yes. You happy?"

"Delighted." He leans forward and brushes his lips across my cheek so quickly that I think I imagined it for a second. Then he kisses the spot and I feel my knees go all wobbly.

"I'll text you." He says, almost as a warning. My face is flushed and I glare at him.

We both know the affect he has on me.

I look down at the white roses in my arms that I was clutching on to for dear life.

"I hate roses..." I start to say but he's already walking down the hallway in that careless way he does.

When I get home, I put the flowers in the one vase that I can find. It was covered in mildew and some strange green substance and it was sitting under our sink. It took me five minutes to clean all the gunk out.

"Who are those from?" My mother asks me. I jump.

Apparently she walked into the room at some point. She looks pointedly at the flowers.

"No one."

"Are you sure?"

"They're from Valentine."

"Why did he get you flowers?" My mother looks like she's coming to her own conclusions so I have no idea why she's even bothering to ask.

"He asked me to prom. I said yes."

"HAH!" She exclaims.


"He likes youuuu." She sing songs.

I can feel my face growing hot.

"He doesn't like me. Everything he does is just to make me miserable."

"You aren't telling me something. No boy goes from hating someone to asking them to prom."

"We kissed. Multiple times."

"WHATTTTTT?!!??" She hops up off the couch and scurries over to me at an astonishing speed. Takes a deep breath.

"You what??????" She says with only a little more composure.


"He's desperately in love with you Gen, and if you don't realize that you aren't as smart as I thought."

"He's not in love with me. That's absur.."

My phone buzzes and I quickly take it out of my skirt pocket.


we should meet up.

where? I type.

i'll be at ur place in five


we can go for a drive?


My mom coughs and I look up guiltily.

"You are soooo into him."


"No, I'm just happy your talking to someone again. I mean ever since..."

"Do not bring up he who shall not be named."

"Fine. Still a touchy topic."

"He's gonna be here soon. Gotta change."

I go up to my room quickly and frantically go through my drawers and my closet.

Do I dress for a booty call? A date? I should've pressed for details!!!!

I decide on a hoodie over a tube top and my nice black jeans.

I figure if he's taking me somewhere I can just take off the hoodie, right?

Why would he take me somewhere? I'm reaching a new level of delusional.

In a couple of minutes I've finished my makeup and brushed my hair and my mom yells that he's here.

I race out the door before Mom can ask questions.

He unlocks the car door and I give him a once over.

His hair looks as effortlessly perfect as ever and he's wearing sunglasses.

He has a Metallica shirt on and sweats.

"They let you out of the house in that?" I say in place of a proper greeting.

He pushes his glasses up into his hair and I look away when he looks at me.

"I am ruled by no man." He says poetically. I buckle my seat belt.

"You look.." I start before I can stop myself or think or be a rational human being.

"I look..?" He has a smirk tugging up the corners of his lips.

"Nothing. So where are we going?"

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