Prom- Penultimate

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Genevieve's pov:

The morning of prom I woke up and checked my phone. There weren't any texts from Valentine, which is odd, because he always texts me good morning ever day, without fail.

I hope nothing is wrong.

I get out of bed and brush my teeth. I head down for breakfast and make myself a bowl of cereal. My mom is still at work; she took a later shift last night so she could be here this evening to take pictures when Valentine comes to pick me up.

I decide to call him. I just have a really strange gut feeling that something bad happened last night. I don't know.

It goes to voicemail. I call a second time and he picks up after the third ring.

"He-" He takes a deep breath, "Hey." He says.

"Hi. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, why would anything not be okay?" He laughs sardonically, and coughs.

"Valentine, you sound weird."

"I just smoked like a shit ton of weed. I think I'm greening out."

"Valentine! Tell me what happened." I say, my voice spiking with panic.

He swallows. Pauses. "I just..."

I bite my lip anxiously.

"It's nothing, it's just the regular daddy issues. Same old same old. He told me something that was...shocking to say the least." He says drily. He coughs.

"What is it?"

"Don't...I don't want to talk about it tonight. I just...I'll tell you later."

"Okay." I say, frowning.

"I promise." He says softly.

"Okay. Anyways. I was just checking in. Please don't be high when you get to my house in five hours."

"Fineee." He coughs. "I'll be there clean as a whistle."


"Bye." He murmurs, a grin in his voice, and my face tingles.
Later at 5 I take a shower and put on my prom dress. I lace up the back myself, which is much more difficult than it sounds.

I do my makeup and put my hair up in a pretty hair up half down updo.

I put on my black heels and grab my clutch and head downstairs and wait.

Valentine arrives at 5:45 and we take pictures.

He's oddly quiet, only making a little bit of small talk with my mom and saying I look pretty.

We get in his car and head to the restaurant.

His hand rests on my thigh and I blush.

He's oddly silent though, and I wonder if I said something or did something to upset him.

I rake through my mind and I can't think of anything.

"Are you okay?" I say, quietly.

"What?" He says turning to me slightly, his eyes still on the road.

"I said, are you okay?" I say.

"Oh. Sorry. Uh. I guess." He takes a hit of his juul as we pull into the parking lot and I cough.

"Don't do that in here." I say frowning.

He puts it away.

He brushes my hair away from my face and takes me in and my breath catches. His gaze is tender but hungry. He brushes his lips against mine, holding my neck. I shiver.

Not pulling away he whispers, "I'm sorry." And I forget what he's even sorry about because I can see his eyelashes and even his freckles.

I kiss him then his hands wander to my hips and he breaks the kiss.

"Don't wanna ruin your makeup. Yet." He says, his nose ticking mine.

"Right." I blush.

We head into the restaurant, hand in hand, and I brace myself for his idiotic friends.

They booked a party room and it's loud and rowdy when we walk in.

His friends greet him, but he doesn't let go of my hand, thankfully.

Quinn and Sebastian are talking in a corner but quickly change the subject as we walk up to them.


"Hey guys." Sebastian says, looking surprisingly chipper.

"Hey." Valentine says, and we sit down next to them at the table.

We order pasta and a shrimp appetizer and the fancy bread and vinaigrette you can only get at the good restaurants. Valentine holds my hand under the table and something about the way he's holding onto I'm his anchor.

It scares me a little.

We finish eating around 7 and head to the country club for the actual dance.

Most of our classmates ate at the country club but we didn't because the guys didn't want to.

Melody and I go to the bathroom when we get to the country club and touch up our makeup.

"Is everything okay?" She asks me. I startle.

"Yeah? Why do you ask? Is everything okay with you?" I say, looking at her curiously.

"No reason. Just you seem kinda tense."

I sigh as I fix my lip liner.

"It's nothing, Valentine's just having issues with his dad. He won't tell me what it is and it's freaking me out."

"That sucks."

"What's up with you though? Have you gotten over Sebastian yet?"

"No, not really. But when were you going to tell me that he's bi?"

My eyes widen.

"Uh...well its not really something for me to tell. How'd you know?"

"I see the way he looks at Quinn. Honestly I don't get it. Like yeah you like guys, I get that. But Quinn? Quinn is like...a total fuckboy. And he's kinda a dick."

"Yeah, I kinda agree. But I think really, REALLY, deep down, he's okay. I guess."

Melody sighs and puts away her lipgloss in her purse. She grabs my hand. Squeezes.

"Okay. Ready to have the night of our lives?"

"Yeah...I hope so." I say squeezing her hand back.

We enter the dance floor and Valentine is over with his friends, dancing and laughing.

See? He's fine. Now you be fine. I say to myself silently.

We dance for the slow songs together and we
dance all the fast songs in one big group.

Melody even dances with Sebastian, and Quinn doesn't seem to care.

Which I'm not sure is a good thing, for Sebastian at least.

At 10 pm we all pile into the limo Stamos rented and head to his place for the after party.

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