The Pick-Up Joint.

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The best way to get rid of a temptation, is to yield to it.
Oscar Wilde

This is a nine part story. Thank you for reading it, and I hope you will enjoy it.


The majestic, and one of the world's natural wonders, Table Mountain towers 1084,6 meters (3,563 feet) over the city of Cape Town, serving both as a marvel of nature and protector against a vicious wind in winter.

Looking from that height, the city itself looked as if, millions of years ago a rebellious star had dislodged itself from the firmament, and like Halley's comet hurtled, unrestrainedly through a black void and crash-landed in that particular spot, throwing up dust, sand and rocks forming a crater which today is known as the Cape Town city bowl.

It is surrounded by high mountain ranges on all sides except on the South side which is reserved for the ocean in the shape of a horseshoe.

On the mountain there are numerous powerful telescopes mounted strategically at various vantage points from which one could, not only gain a clear view of the magnificent fauna and flora decorating the landscape, but of the city as well.

Should you insert a coin into one of them that looks onto the city, and adjusts its lens to focus more clearly, and should a tall high-rise with copper colored windows come into view, you would have found the Allbright hotel. Should you direct your gaze even lower and reach the ground floor, you would be able to see the tall clear glass windows facing North and West allowing for sun to stream into the coffee shop throughout the day. It's a pity that that telescope cannot see directly into the coffee shop, otherwise you would have been able to see a boy of seventeen named Cole standing behind the counter.

Cole stood waiting for the early morning rush of patrons and he was still sleepy. Getting up early to go to work was not something that he was used to, or enjoyed. He was still at school, and it was spring break, and not having money to go on holiday, he had opted to get a job. It was better than lying around at home and being penniless, and besides, being busy would keep him out of trouble, or so he thought.

He was of average height and build build, but the rest of him was a chick magnet that drew both old and young. So many women had complimented him on his remarkable appearance that he had taken it for granted and merely shook it off. He had a delicate bone structure that was comparable to that of an angel.

His perfectly arched eyebrows were faultlessly traced and his lashes were as long as a baby butterflies'. His mouth was exquisitely carved and his lips looked like cherry blossoms in bloom, and when he smiled he revealed two rows of perfectly molded even teeth which were without a stain or a chip.

Cole's left cheek sports a dimple, and when he smiles or laughs, it appears and heightens his already sensual charm. His short cropped unruly blonde hair, and beautifully trimmed goatee were the color of ripe corn were the color, which complimented his deep tanned skin and rippling muscles to perfection. But his most endearing feature was his eyes. It was big, round and dark, and in their depths there lie a myriad of untested feelings and emotions.

When Cole spoke, his voice, which had a deep resonance, sounded as if it came from the pit of his stomach, which was in direct contrast to his slender physicality, and which surprised everyone pleasantly who spoke to him. His hands, and especially his long tapered fingers, reminded one of a concert pianist and one wished it would be spared physical labor. Most of us have a face that has a good side and a bad side. His face was spared that embarrassment. The camera loved both sides.

Cole was born to parents that, despite having worked all their lives, could not afford to go on holiday, not even a local one, let alone investing in a college fund. His grades were not good enough to qualify for a scholarship and he hated community college. It would be a waste of his time; the drop out rate was very high and he envisioned himself as one of its casualties.

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