Parting Ways

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Their raw animal sex became a regular thing. Julia was careful that there should be no phone calls or any other written messages. She would walk into the coffee shop, order her usual and make a date for their next meeting. They have established a convenient code that only the two of them understood, which went unnoticed by his boss, colleagues and the other guests. Their time spent together was pleasurable but they soon realized that, other than sex they had nothing in common.

If it wasn't the money, Cole would have discarded her a long time ago. They maintained the status quo, but they were both running on empty, and it was just a matter of time before they called it a day. Julia however, was not ready to let go, because she hasn't found a suitable replacement yet. Cole couldn't let go because the money was good. He got used to buying new things, and when his mother asked him where he got the money he would answer, "By working for an old lady on my off days." He had to laugh at the irony of his answer.

It stands to reason that when you spend more time with one person or thing you tend to neglect the other. In his quest for sexual gratification and its financial rewards, Cole had spent less time with his friends, and his best friend Mike had noticed it and commented on it.

"Hey buddy, we hardly see you anymore. What's happening? I can't ask you if you have a girl that's keeping you so busy, because I know that you ain't got none."

"Let's just blame it on work," Cole answered and laughed.

"I swung by that coffee shop of yours the other day, and they said that it was your off day. When I asked your mother later that day where you were she said that you had gone to work. You don't have to explain yourself to me, but I just found it a little odd. When I phoned you your phone was off. We are all entitled to our little secrets," Mike said and gave Cole a sly wink.

Cole kept quiet for a while and then said, "Oh, I remember that day. I needed some time alone, and I spent it at the beach. You know how it calms me down. And with school starting soon, I took a break to think about my future. You know I'm working six days a week, and on my off days help out a little old lady around the house."

"You must introduce me to her one day, because by the looks of your rags, she must be paying you a fortune," Mike replied while appreciating Cole's latest branded outfit. "You should cut a boy in on the action. A brother can do with the extra dough."

Mike was a few inches taller than Cole, and in terms of his appearance quite the opposite. Mike was broad and powerfully built. Some of that braun could be ascribed to his love of working out, especially with weights.

He could not afford a gym membership so he, from what little money he received from his parents by way of pocket money, and from whatever piecework he earned, he had built himself a home-made gym; telling everyone who wanted to listen, that one day he will own his own gym. Everything about Mike seemed square. His Prussian military haircut added to his face's square appearance, and that was accentuated by his square jawline which tapered into a square chin.

Even his fingernails were cut square which gave his hands a stumpy look. All things considered he was not an unattractive boy of nineteen. He had a barroom kind of handsomeness with scars to prove it. He was rough around the edges, used foul language and appeared to never have had a real feeling for anyone except for himself and his base desires.

Mike was a real he-man and his testosterone level was so high that it served as a chick magnet for women of all ages and from all walks of life. No woman was immune to his raw sexuality and once he has targeted you, try as you may, there was no escape from him. His method was to hypnotize his prey with a blunt stare in his steely blue eyes while a deep groan rumbled in the back of his throat which was similar to an animal in the jungle. His prey would whimper and try to run, but it would be useless. Mike had the reputation as a lady-killer and he gloried in his reputation.

Mike was jobless. While Mike was talking Cole had an excellent idea, but he did not voice it because he needed to think it over and go about it in a subtle way which would require fancy footwork. Cole went home and tossed and turned until daybreak, but when got dressed to go to work, he knew what he had to do.

One afternoon when they lay spent and basking in the afterglow of yet another marathon session Cole said, "You know that school will be starting soon, and I won't have time for anything other than schoolwork. I want to give it my all so that I can get good grades and qualify for a scholarship."

"I understand. It's a real pity though, because I really enjoy our time together."

"Me too. But all good things come to an end. And I guess this is the end for us, and I'm glad you understand the position that I'm in."

"I do, but can't you come on Sundays only?"

"I will be picking up shifts at the coffee shop over weekends, and spend whatever free time I have studying."

"I'm gonna miss you, but some things can't be helped," Julia said.

They both kept quiet for a while. Julia was tired of this angelic boy whom she had taught all she could, and to be honest his routine was becoming a little boring. She needed a young man who could teach her a thing or two.

As if Cole was reading her mind, and in tandem with her thoughts Cole said, "I would like to introduce you to a friend of mine who would be happy to help you move your furniture around. He is strong and works out regularly. You will like him."

With a bitter smile distorting her mouth Julia sat up slowly. A flash of anger clouded her eyes. This boy had read her mind and voiced it boldly and openly. Was she that obvious? She did not know whether to laugh or cry, but pulled herself together and said, " Show me his picture."

Cole rifled through the pics on his phone and showed her a tree trunk of a young man. After having seen enough, Julia asked, "From where do you know him?"

"We live in the same neighborhood and have been friends since childhood, " Cole answered.

"How old is he?" Julia asked.


"Does he work?"

"No. He's in-between jobs."

"Do you trust him to keep quiet?"

"I trust him with my life. He is a little rough, but he has a good heart. As far as keeping quiet, you will have to decide for yourself."

'Fair enough," Julia said. "Give him my address and tell him to be here at eleven."

"It was nice getting to know you," Cole said when she dropped him at the bus stop for the last time.

Cole went around to Mike's house and found him, with his head buried in the engine of a jalopy in his backyard, and with his jeans hanging low exposed his butt crack to all and sundry. He was forever tinkering on this old piece of scrap, and where he got it from, no one knew. But he kept on saying that he was going to blow new life into the old lady and take her for a spin on the racetrack. Mike was a big impractical dreamer, but they left him alone. He had two dreams; one was to own a fast car, and two; to own his own gym.

"Hello, my friend. Mike, I've got a job for you," Cole said.

Mike withdrew his square head from under the hood, and his face was streaked with grease and dirt, which, together with his scars gave him a menacing look.

"Oh, yeah?" he asked.

"Remember the old lady I told you about. You did ask me to hook you up. Today is your lucky day. You know I will be heading back to school soon, and I won't have time for anything but my studies. I told her about you, and she is keen to meet you. What do you say?"

Mike studied Cole from top to toe with a skeptical look in his eyes. This was too good to be true. But he needed cash, and he had nothing to lose by going.

"Oh, well. It wouldn't hurt by checking it out. Give me the address and I will go. But if I don't like it I'm outta there. Got it?"

"Sure," Cole answered.

Cole had written down the details in advance, and handed Mike the piece of paper.

"And don't be late," Cole said as he turned and left.

"Yeah, yeah," Mike answered as he stuck his head back under the hood of his jalopy.


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