Log 6: Two Minutes

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A/N: Take this as a farewell gift for now since I'll be starting school this coming Monday. So this'll be my last update for now. (I don't even know how I came up with these things X3)

"Go on." Kid croaked whilst falling down on one knee, coughing out a few streaks of his own blood as his hand scraped through the ground, forming evened strokes by the sand, leaving it with a mix of his russet blood.

"Shoot." He commanded in a rough hoarse tone, facing Yori with a heated glare, daring her to do otherwise. "This is what you want, right? To be the only elite. Why don't you start with me then, Mitsuko... Shoot me."


"Think I can't?" Yori raised an eyebrow, tightening her grip on her pistols' rough surfaced handles. "Think again." She stated grimly as she steadied her aim. Her fingers curled forth through the guns' main mechanism. And with one shaky breath.. 'Go to sleep, Kid'

Yori pulled on both triggers.

Resonating boisterous bangs from each of her guns' barrels; it released the once secluded bullets, ready to pierce forth towards their target's subtle human flesh.

"Typical." Kid quickly snatched out a vile stuffed beneath his beryl stash and pressed its base, revealing a pointed needle which he instantly plunged upon his thigh, letting the green substance seep in through his system. ED-101.

[ED-101 = an 'endurance drug' that makes a specimen immune to any sort of pain for two whole minutes. This is one of the drugs constructed as last resorts for Kazu members]

ED time remaining: 1:58

Kid slammed his palm through the terrain, commanding each of the golden ammunitions to do his bidding once more. Stacking them up around his figure to form a half circled barricade that covered him whole.

Eustass could distinctly hear the clamorous hits that kept on pounding upon his protective cavern. Yori was still advancing on him without a doubt. If he was one second off, he would've been one of those stiff pale corpses. Rotting. Crumbling. Adding up to the smell of foul decay as avid scavengers feast upon their flesh.


"What's this? Playing hard to get?" The girl called out as she continued firing at the colossal sphere, seemingly wasting countless bullets to no avail. "Come out, come out, Eustass~ you wouldn't want to keep a girl waiting now, would you? That'll be so rude on your part."


Still receiving no response from the said man, Yori heaved a long exasperated sigh. Kid's never one for a defensive type.. or a silent one either. He has always been a loud aggressive brute, no matter how unfavorable the situation is for him. Something has got to be wrong.

'Guess I'll have to force him out then.'

Yori slammed her pistols together, eliciting vivid roseate sparks as she merged both firearms, feeling the guns' peripheral components reassemble within her hands, straightening its once L-shaped figures into a thick rigid broadsword.


"Eustass Kid! Get your ass out here right now!! This is your last warning, mister!" The redhead shouted threateningly as she settled the sword's blade on her shoulder and started walking towards the bullet made grotto. 'Damn. I sound like his mother.'

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