Log 4: Red Red And More Red!?

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'Let's see.. 615... 613.. ugh why's my room so far..?' A roseate haired girl complained as she looked through the evenly plastered numbers of identical chestnut hued doors, consistently keeping her head tilted by the left since odd numbered doors were all lined up through the left side and the evens by the right. Why? Simple. Their Boss wanted to keep it classy.

Letting out an annoyed huff, Perona's fingers began fumbling with her cute red devil umbrella as she headed for her room. 607.

The pinkette should've been there with her Bearsy but nooo Hawky decided to summon her all the way to his office, saying that 'it's of utmost importance', only to find out that he needs someone to do his paper work since he had other things to do with the Boss!!

'Why's he one of the favorites? Always given the chance to tag along that restricted room. Why not her? The ever lovable Pero-'

"You sure about this Kid?" The ghost princess suddenly got her thoughts interrupted by a familiar voice, making her head snap instantly from its source.

"Yeah. Just do it already!!" Another voice replied demandingly.

'Room 6-1-0. What's Killer doing in Kid's room so early in the morning?' Perona mused as she pressed her ear through the door.

"Aaahhh!! Why'd you do it so fast?!" Kid hissed with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Of course I had to!" Killer retorted at once, earning no response from the redhead.

'What are these two doing??'

"Does it hurt?" The blonde asked in a softer tone, feeling a bit guilty about what he did.

"It stings..." The redhead admitted. ".. but I can put up with it."

"Okay I'm placing it again."

'Oh my god! Their.. their-'

"Ahh fuck!!"

Perona fainted, not having the heart to listen anymore on what was taking place. It was all too much for her to take..


"Alright. That seems to make it less.. conspicuous." Killer noted as he examined his work. "It's a bit red though." He added as he threw the used masking tape by the trash bin.

Kid turned around and faced the mirror once again, seeing that the drawn eyebrows were almost faded after all the soap rubbing, alcohol drenching and the recent masking tape ripping, he grunted and said:

"This'll do. Thanks Kill." The redhead acknowledged, giving the blonde a quick tap by the shoulder as he slithered out from the bathroom. "I'm heading out."

Slipping on his signature coat, Kid grabbed his goggles from the counter and headed for the door, gripping hard on the protective eyewear as a sudden assumption went pass his mind. 'No one would dare do this to me.. so it's definitely that red headed-'

"Say hi to Yori for me!" Killer called out from the bathroom, confirming Kid's supposed-to-be-accusated-twerp.

"Yeah." Kid answered nonchalantly as he opened up the door, only to be greeted by a knocked out zombie princess lying beneath his feet. "What the hell's this 'brat' doing here?!"

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