- Part 4 -

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(a/n) I'm sorry that I haven't posted recently I haven't really had any motivation but I should be back now.

~ Eddie's pov ~

It was end of shift and Eddie was last to leave. He was heading towards his truck. Well that was until he saw Ana Flores, Christopher's teacher.

"Oh, hey Ana. What are you doing here? Are you not at work today?" Eddie questioned with a chuckle.

"Hey Edmundo, I just thought I'd let you know that I had an interview for a better paying job a while ago and I got the job." She smiled sweetly.

Eddie looked at her suprised. Oh. Well congratulations."

"Thank you." She giggled. "It's been an honour working with Christopher and seeing you." She paused for a few seconds before continuing. "I was wondering if you wanted to go out for some food? Maybe some coffee?" She questioned with an innocent look.

"Oh." He stared in suprise "I don't know, I have Christopher to look after. Could I think about it and get back to you?"

"Sure." She smiled before grabbing Eddie's face and leaning in to kiss him.

Eddie pulled away from her, completely shocked. "I- Look I think it's best we don't go out together. I'm sorry."

She spun on her heels letting out a frustrated grunt. Storming off leaving a shell shocked Eddie standing in the middle of the fire station.

~ Buck's pov ~

Later that night when Buck had finished work. He decided that he would go for a drive to clear his head. In which that drive had lead him straight to a bar. Like he had wanted. Drinking away the weird pain I've felt in his heart... drinking until he felt numb.

. . .

The following morning Buck woke up with a severe headache, in his bed. His mind drifted off to the night before trying to remember what happened and how he had gotten home, but nothing came to mind.

He slowly climbed out of bed, ignoring the throbbing in his head. Sliding into the closest clothes he could find, before making his way downstairs to see maddie making breakfast and Tyler stuffing his face.

"Good morning sleepy head, how's the hangover?" She questioned with a giggle, handing him some breakfast.

"It's bloody horrible." He replied with a huff, rubbing his face. "Thanks for the food."

Maddie glanced at him with a small smile. "Thought so, there are some painkillers and a glass of water next to you."

"Oh my god thank you!" He finished stuffing his face and grabbing the painkillers and water, swallowing them both.

"No problem, but Buck?"

"hm?" He hummed in response.

"You can't just randomly got out drinking like that anymore, you have a son." she responded.

"I know I'm sorry Mads. I don't know what came over me. But how did I get home?"

"Oh Eddie brought you home. He found you passed out on the floor." She smiled softly.

"Shit, well that's embarrassing. How the fuck did he find me." He muttered.

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