- Part 3 -

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It had been a month since running into Eddie. Buck couldn't get it out of his head, thinking about Eddie and why why he felt the way he did. He thought it was nothing and decided he would try and forget about the situation.

Everything was normal at work, well almost normal. Buck tried as much as possible to avoid Eddie and everyone had noticed.

Eddie had no idea why Buck was avoiding him, but it made his heart hurt. He didn't understand why he felt the way he did. He just told himself it was because his best friend was ignoring him.


Buck turned his alarm off, slithering out of bed, out from the warm comforting sheets he never wanted to leave. However, he had work soon, so he made his way downstairs to the kitchen.

Tyler soon came running in. Smelling the food Buck had just finished. "Hi, Daddy!" He squealed, running into Bucks arms.

"Good morning Tyler." He smiled, hugging the boy back.


Buck quickly threw on his t-shirt, grabbing both his and Tyler's shoes, walking over to the toddler with his bag ready for daycare.

"You ready little man?" He questioned the boy.

"Yes daddy." Tyler shouted, happily. "Can't I go with you." A frown now replacing the smile that was once there.

"I'm sorry buddy, but you can't. Hey, put a smile on that adorable face of yours." Buck squeezed Tyler's cheeks with a giggle. "Maybe I'll take you there one day, just not today." He gave the boy a sympathetic smile.

"Come on, let's get you to daycare." He ushered the toddler out of the door, shutting it behind him and heading towards his jeep. Picking the boy up, putting him in the car seat before getting in the car himself. Driving off the take Tyler to daycare.


~Eddie's POV~

'Buck is late again, I hope he is alright. He has been avoiding me alot recently, but that's okay, as long as he is happy. Even if it kills me not being able to talk to him.' He thought to himself. 'But he can't ignore Christopher, I can't keep lying to him.' Eddie was snapped out of his thoughts to Bobby shouting Bucks name. He couldn't help but stare at the younger boy infront of him.

"Your late, again." Bobby snapped. He huffed, regaining his composure. "Look, Buck. If you continue arriving late, I'll have no choice but to take further action. What's going on?"

"Sorry, Cap. Nothing is going on. I just woke up late." Buck said with a smile.

Nobody believed him. But they decided not to push any further. Giving him space to come to them when he wants to.


~Buck's PoV~

'Shit, I need to put my uniform on but Eddie is over there. Whatever, it's fine I'll just do it later, I'll go upstairs.'

"Hey Buck." Chim and Hen said in unison.

Bucks mood improved almost instantly. "Hey guys."

"Want to play with us?" Chim questioned.

But before Buck could reply, Hen cut him off. "How come you haven't got your uniform on?" She quizzed. Both her and Chimney looking at him confused.

"Oh yeah, right. I'll go put it on now." He laughed awkwardly, walking off. Turning back towards them, pointing and shouting, "one second we will play when I get back!" He then ran off to the stairs, almost falling into Eddie who was making his way up them.

Buck proceeded down the stairs avoiding any eye contact with the older man. Making his way to his locker.

Everyone in the fire house notices the weird behaviour between the two boys. However, they thought it would be best for them both to figure out their issues themselves.


Buck was pulling his t-shirt down, when he heard footsteps behind him. He swiveled around, only to come face to face with none other than Eddie Diaz. Maybe a little to close. He took a few steps back, his face flushed. "O-oh... Hey, Eddie. I didn't see you there." He stuttered out awkwardly.

"Buck..." Eddie sighed. "Why are you ignoring me, did I do something wrong?" He muttered.

Buck looked up at the older man. Looking into his glassy eyes. on the verge of tears. Sadness washing over him. "I just want- need sometime, Eddie. Please..."

"I- okay, I'll give you space." He sniffled, wiping his eyes before walking off. A tear falling down his face.

As soon as Buck heard the door close, he broke down. A stream of tears running down his face. The tears kept pouring out. He couldn't stop. He had just realised he was inlove with his best friend and he couldn't have him.

"Trust me to fall inlove with a straight guy." Buck muttered to himself. He stood from the floor, wiping the tears from his eyes. Looking into the mirror on his right. Buck looked terrible. His eyes were puffy and red, he had tear stained cheeks and a sore throat.

He decided that it would be best to quickly wash his face, and wait it out in the locker room. Stay put until the redness and puffiness of his eyes had gone down.

It sounded like a brilliant idea to Buck. Well that was until the alarm went off and everyone came running in.

Hen and Chimney noticed Buck, before looking over to see Eddie in the same state. Both of them thinking, 'what the hell is going on with those two.' However they didn't have time to ask so they grabbed and put on their gear and ran to the fire engine.


They arrived at the scene, it was a big car pile up. Other stations on scene.

"Hen, Chimney. Check for Injuries. See if people are okay and move on to the next." Bobby ordered, pointing at the injured. "Eddie and Buck. I need you to split up and look for other injured civilians."

"On it Cap." They all replied and got to work.


After that long call the rest of the shift ran by smoothly with barely any calls.

Everyone's shift was done, all getting ready to go home to their families.

Buck was walking to his jeep, when he realised he hadn't seen Eddie leave. He dicided to have a look over his shoulder, to see if he could see the older man. Which was a big mistake.

He saw Eddie with none other than Ana Flores.

Kissing her.

Buck messaged Maddie, to see if she could pick up Tyler. Which she agreed to.

He needed a drink.

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