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Jungkook was not at all ready to get SeokJin as his lawyer. Man was ready to kill himself before doing that but after seeing his achievements, he decided to keep his jealousy aside. Though, none of them told Tae about this. He was aware that they were filing a case against the director and the team but he had no idea who's the lawyer. 

"Hyu-ng" Tae's voice was hoarse and broken as he was still not able to move his jaw properly and moreover half of the time he was sleeping due to the medicines prescribed for his bed rest. That's why either Jimin or Jungkook always stayed beside him, incase he needed something or something happened.

Right now Jimin was beside the younger and heard his call very clearly due to the silence in the room. He quickly kept his phone aside and turned towards Tae who was looking at the glass of water on the table. Getting what the boy wants, Jimin carefully made him sit using the pillows to make sure he won't feel uncomfortable and brought the glass near his lips to drink. Even though Tae cleared that his hands were working and fine they still did this. 

"You want to eat something? Or watch?" Jimin's question made the boy think for some second then responded with a slight nod. 

"You want to do both? Ohk! Lemme put on some good movie and bring popcorn! Stay here and do not go anywhere!!" Jimin always said this out of habit, even when he knew Tae can't even sit up on his own, forget about going anywhere. 

It didn't took him more than 5 minutes to prepare the whole movie setup before he snuggled himself beside Tae, both of their hands in the large popcorn bucket in the mid while their eyes stick to the screen.

It was safe to say they spend their evening pretty enjoyably and comfortably. 

Unlike someone.

Jungkook's POV-

I am tired.

I am tired of this man standing beside me.

I am tired of this man standing beside me, talking non-stop.

I was at the police station to file the case with SeokJin, who though proved himself to be very responsible and admirable at his work, I can't say the same about him when he is not working. This man talks non-stop. At one point I even thought I was almost going to graduate with law next day, the amount of things he told me about Laws and judiciary. He is the type to hold you down to explain you things he knows even when it's none of your use. Like what am I going to do with the information? Make a song on Law??


"And Point Of Order is very-"


 "-important, it's like reminding the spea-"

"SeokJin listen. You know what, let's just eat something? Lemme treat you for the help-"

"Huh? Sure! as you say seonbae!" 

I am tired by the number of times I corrected him and asked to call me by my name, but he says 'it's habitual and can't be cured.'

After he finally listened to me, we quickly searched for a decent cafe and settled to eat something. After we ordered our food we again chatted for some time when Jin suddenly popped up a question.

"What happened to the boy who was always with you? I mean are you two still in contact? Cause looking at him, he was pretty fond of you." I almost laughed at his words. Of course everyone knew about him being with me half of the time. But this man saying Tae was fond of me without knowing just how insane he was for him, is just absurd to me. By far I know he has no idea who Taehyung is actually. I can't wait to tell Tae about this. Poor boy will be shattered but I am evil.

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