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Jungkook's POV-

I was away from everyone, in dark, in my room. All alone. I don't want to be out, not when they are just outside, waiting for a chance to sink their claws in me and shred me to pieces for their own curiosity. I can hear their loud voices from outside, their questions, their accusations. I should've seen this coming but I didn't.

The secret was out. That woman was under arrest for assaults' on minors but she went down and dragged me too. She called out my name like it would save her. Free her of crimes. Confessed that I was her first target, that manipulating me was easy. I was a kid, scared to get rusticated with a bad remark on my degree so I walked in her trap until it was too late for me to realize my priorities. I never told anyone, I couldn't lose my dignity to more than one person. I told Tae, not because he asked me but I felt he deserved to know. To be true, I was scared he will be her next target. I had seen her gaze on him too and I couldn't risk him going through the hell I went. I had promised myself I won't let anyone take away his bright, bold self and I wasn't going to back out from it. I was selfish, I am selfish. For him, I can go to any length, just for him.

My lil mouse, my Tae was out there somewhere, speaking for me. And I can only hope he will be here soon to take me away from my darkness. My demons, they fall silent in his presence. Rocking back and forth I try my best to not fall back into the class room, in the corner covered in filth. But I can feel everything on my skin, like bugs crawling over me, threatening to break under my skin. I hear the clutching of handles, they are trying to break in. They are coming in. I can't breath as the terror engulfs me and chokes me with every gasp. Someone walked, I can make out their figure with my teary, unfocused sight. 

"N-no g-get away, away! P-please away!" I need to run, but my body is stiff. I feel paralyzed as the figure comes closer and with no choice I decide to turn blind and squeeze my eyes shut.

Their hands, no-his. It's him. I know it's him as his tuberose scent hit me with a calmness. I am safe, he is here. But still I can't bring myself to open my eyes, scared if he will vanish and it's all my hallucination, another nightmare. 

"Hyung, open your eyes. Look at me, hyung." His heart wrenching sobs pry my eyes open as I stare into his tear filled eyes. The light in room allows me just enough to see his eyes with his rest of the face hidden in dark. I try to raise my hands, trembling while doing so, to hold his face, to wipe his tears and tell him not to cry, that 'hyung is here for him.' but nothing comes out of my mouth as I desperately clung onto him, once again hiding myself in him away from my miseries.

"Shh, shh. I am here, hyung. No one will touch you. I will fucking break their hands before they reach you." He will. I know he will. My tiger never makes false promises nor does he ever backs out from his words. If he said he won't let anyone touch me, I believe him because he did what he said. He never let anyone touch me to this date ever and if they did, they faced the consequences.

"They are gone, guards are on our door. No one can break in. Jiminie is specially sitting on gate, no one can get past that man." I didn't say anything, just lay my head on his shoulder, basking in his warmth and love trying to ignore the haunting flashes. I laid there for enough time to know it wasn't helping. My mouth fell like a graveyard from the number of words that died in there but not anymore.

"I did nothing to her." He didn't say anything, instead just shifted and got comfortable and laid me on his lap, caressing my hairs, waiting for me to continue. I did, I needed to get it off my chest or it will hollow me up.

"I was good to her even when half of the students loathed her presence, now that I think of, I should've been one of those too. I didn't press charges, never told a soul who could harm her but still she came back, repeated everything and when she knew it's her end, she decided to drag me down with her too. Why? Wasn't I just one of her toys? A way to get off of her pleasure? Then why me?? Why the one thing I wanted to keep with me, she robbed me off that too, why!?" 

I didn't care I was shouting or thrashing in his hold. He had his arms around me, his face pressed to mine as he just took in everything I gave out, silently, without any opposition. I was crying, tears of frustration, pain, fear escaped me as I shouted my questions, but so was he. I could feel his tears mixing with mine, rolling down my cheeks.

"I wan-ted nothing from her!! I had ev-everything! Still she teared down the pages on my life I turned long ago and portrayed it as her winnings, why? Am I a fucking toy for her? Fuck around then use as she pleases??" He didn't said anything, he couldn't. I felt him pressing his lips against mine as he cried silently, I could taste the saltiness of our tears on my lips. It was nothing but at the same time it was everything for me. He was taking away my pain without even knowing. He didn't share my pain, never, instead he took it, he soaked away all my pain in himself for me to see the sunrise again. To get out of the darkness.

I didn't realized when everything fell silent and my exhaustion took over throwing me into a pit of darkness but this time, it was peaceful. 

When I woke up next time, I was in bed in fresh clothes, or should I say fresh boxers and no clothes. Pooling the blankets at my ankle I looked around for Tae as he was not in room. The bathroom door was open, lights were on. A groan left my lips at the splitting pain shoot through my head making me squint my eyes. Crying is similar to getting drunk I guess, drunk on tears or alcohol, same thing. 

"Baby" I called out, getting on my feet, a shiver running through me as the cold floor touch my feet. When I walked in the bathroom, my eyes fell on my husband who looked like he was in a deep, soundly sleep. The only odds was, he was sleeping in a bathtub filled with water and foam.

"Darling." His eyes snapped open to me like he knew where I would be standing. He was inside water, covered till his chest as he blinked at me, a crimson color spreading through his cheeks. Years went by, he still blushes like it was yesterday I caught him with a vibrator up his ass, moaning my name in pillow.

"Are you fine?" I nodded at his question. I was fine, I really was, because he was with me. As long as he is with me, I don't care what people think or do. I know he is here to save me from myself, my demons, my darkness.

"The water's cold. Let's get you out of there." Like a baby, he instantly raised up both his hands, an exciting glint in his eyes as I chuckled before bending down and scooping him out of the bathtub, wetting myself in process.

"My lil tiger." I muttered pecking his forehead as I dropped him on the bed, all naked before getting a towel to dry him up. Nudity was nothing new to us. With sexual intimacy, it was personal too, a bond of trust on each other, to feel safe and secure with being naked around each other. 

Till I came back he had tucked himself in the blanket, eyes twinkling as he rose the blankets, motioning me to get in. Without any protest I took off my only piece of clothing and slide in the blankets with him, almost instantly getting cuddled by him as he wraps himself around me. 

I could ask for nothing more in life. He was all I needed and I don't want anything else except him for my life, for every life, not just this. He is mine just how I am his. 


next will be last chap.....and it's an interview...drop the questions...for both Tae and Kook....u got the whole book....ask what ever from wherever you want.....


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