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Jungkook's POV-

Both me and Tae were sitting in front of our parents who looked like they would like to slap us for the second time. We had a hand mark on our cheeks but that's fine. We deserve this for not telling them and marrying instead of having a relationship.

"So, this is what you two are doing here alone?" Mr. Kim sneered looking at us while our mothers had a disgusted expression on their face. Not once in my life I thought our parents would be, homophobic. Well, there's a first for everything in life.

"Be clear appa, we are doing many things, what are you talking about?" I snapped my head at Tae who was adding fuel to fire. This boy never shuts up when needed! Mr. Kim's eyes were red as he glared at Tae then at me. Who's getting slapped next?

"Since when are you two sinning behind our back! We thought you two were brothers! Never knew that was just a cover. And Jungkook, you are the older one, how come yo-"

"Wait, what do you mean he is older one? Do you think I took this decision out of childishness? Really? I love hyung and decided to date him out of childishness? Immaturity? Please be fuc-" I quickly shut his mouth before he could spout anything else. I know he is a motor mouth with patience as think as a hair strand. And it is not at all helpful at the moment. 

"Appa, I don't know what you two are expec-"

"What do you mean what? Clean up this mess and be like everyone else! This, this lgt shit is just messing with young minds, you two deny all that rumors just say it was a drunk kiss and get settled with some good woman!" Okay. My own father is testing my limits now. Whatever he said, sounded pure rubbish to me.

"First of all, I wasn't done speaking before you decided to rant all that. And, what I am saying is, I don't care what you two are expecting us to do cause let me come out clear and clean to you all. I am not leaving Tae. Nor I am denying any thing. It was our decision to come out to the world and we did." 

They are really delusional if they think I will leave Tae. I would prefer dying over that, thank you very much.

"Taehyung! Deny all those rumors right this instant and get back home with us!" Mrs. Kim has no better expectations. I looked at Tae for response to which he smiled, the type of smile he gives when he is about to speak something very offensive.

"I am home. I am with the person who makes house home, so I am home. Also, I would rather shit in my hands and clap instead of denying those rumors." Both eomma and Mrs. Kim had a disgusted expression which made me snort which I tried to hide with a cough. I wonder from where he gets all these creative nasty remarks.

"So you two won't back out?"

"Appa, I love hyung. I have been in love with him for 5 years now. I won't leave him just cause you all are against our relationship. It's not like I am doing anything wrong. I am not a druggist, nor do I sleep around getting someone pregnant. I just, love someone, someone who's of the same gender as me. Why is it so wrong? I am a Man, in love with a Man. And I keep my pride in that." 

I have never been so proud of my lil cub till today. It takes guts and courage to speak for yourself, for someone you love against your parents. And the way he spoke today, I am really lucky to have him as mine. My love. My man.

"If that's what you want, then fine. Between your parents and him, you had chosen a man. A man who's own parents are not with him. From today onwards, forget you had a mother or a father."

"You too Jungkook, we don't have a son now. Cause no son of mine would commit such sin and be a fag!" I wonder if they will ever regret this. They believe their faith, they can stand rooted on their believe and faith even if it costs them their son, their only son. What a joke!

"You two make quite a unique pair of parents who want their son to sacrifice their happiness cause of their conservative mind and if they don't then disown them. I am really impressed. Well, guess I have nothing more to say except, hope that faith of yours would help you live your life. After all, we are sinners and you are saints. God helps the saints, right?" 

I didn't tried to stop Tae from speaking, cause every word he was spitting was true and needed to be heard by them. I won't be able to speak without shouting or taking some immediate action. But he can, he knows how to speak without losing control over his own self. And I really admire that trait about him.

"Also, if you are done, please take your leave cause me and hyung need to go to work too." Finally with his last statement they both glared at us once more before leaving our home. The door closed and I looked at Tae who was looking at me. We stared and stared when suddenly we both remembered something we were forgetting.


"He stayed with us, I wonder if he is still asleep." Tae muttered as he walked towards the room where Jimin sleeps. He opened the door to peek inside only to stumble as I leaned over him from the back. I didn't mean to push him. Inside, Jimin was fast asleep with ear muffs, he took Tae's warning seriously, I guess.

"Better he is asleep. I am going to sleep too. I don't think there would be any work on first day of the year. Well, I don't have."

"You think I am leaving house? No way." I chuckled as Tae rushed towards our room and flopped on bed, snuggling like a puppy in the blankets. Well, I can record the songs in evening. 

With that, I too climbed in bed and snuggled with Tae, pulling him close to myself by waist. I was the large spoon between us. Burying my nose in his neck, I kissed the area softly, enjoying the way his breath hitched every time. My fingers crawled inside his shirt as I wished to feel him bare under my palms. He squirmed under my touch as my fingers tugged his belly button.

"Hyung." He whined turning towards me, now facing me instead. His eyes were droopy which made me chuckle and retreat my hands, now laying it above his hips. 

For now, all it mattered was he was in my arms, and we both were sleeping, in our room, without any worry or fear.




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