My Universe: Yandere!Volo x Female!Reader

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Yeah it's another one lol
You already know who it's requested by: @CorrineGlaceon

Warnings: Smut, gore, death, yandere... like, really bad this time

You didn't quite know why you were sent back to the past. Even after meeting Arceus, you couldn't quite grasp the meaning of your mission. Why did God need information? Why did he choose you and you alone? Why the old Sinnoh region? These were all questions you had but had no answer to.

You kinda just, fell out of the sky and found yourself in the Hisui region, and then found yourself tasked with helping the people of the region. You never revealed your true purpose or your past to anyone, they wouldn't understand. Hell, they were terrified of Pokémon. You catching 3 would've been a normal occurrence in the present, but back then, you were viewed as a nigh untouchable goddess, one that could tame any Pokémon.

It's no wonder the region asked for your help in quelling the Alphas' furies. This was a task you did happily, as you wanted to help the Pokémon.

Along the way you met some interesting people, chief among them a kindhearted salesman named Volo. What you didn't know at the time was that he had... issues. It should've been obvious from the way he talked to and about you, but you were blind to it.

As time went on, other people would notice how... weird... Volo was. Everyone had an idea except for you.

Now was the time that you got kicked out of Jubilife Village, as they suspected you had something to do with the Alphas going into a frenzy. After all, the sky was angry, and you fell from the sky. It just seemed logical to them.

Your knight in shining... robes... came to rescue you, though, taking you back to his place that he shared with Cogita.

Volo POV
How dare they kick her out! She is the best thing to step foot into the this god forsaken Hisui region. However, maybe I should be glad. She's all alone with me and Cogita now, after all. It's all thanks to those fools, too.
I've been studying lately. Studying about a Pokémon named "Giratina." This Pokémon is stated to be a god, more evil than others. I just capture him and use him for my goal. I will succeed.

Volo went around the region, gathering any information he could that may lead him closer to his goal of capturing Giratina. Meanwhile, you were trying to track down the Lake Guardians and fix the whole sky mess.

Narrator POV
You were eventually successful in doing all of this. You stopped the Alphas. You found the Lake Trio. You quelled and captured Dialga and Palkia, 2... of the 4 gods. Of course you knew Arceus, Dialga, and Palkia existed. Hell, Arceus sent you here, it would be hard to not know he exists. However, you never knew about Giratina.

Volo was the one who told you. He told you about Giratina's life, his past, the powers of the Distortion World's God. This finally caused some serious concern with your friends. Rei tried, desperately, to tell you that something was wrong with Volo. He was going after the closest thing to the Devil!

However, like before, you weren't having any of it. Unbeknownst to you, the man in question was watching it all go down, and he knew what he had to do. He had to take out all those closest to you. He would start in Jubilife village, or so he thought.

By this point, Volo had succeeded in capturing Giratina. He had his team, and his goals, within reach. He didn't know how to start. But as fate would have it, the start would come to him.

Volo POV
I was walking around like normal, thinking of ways to attack, when Rei appeared and challenged me. He said that I "needed help." That I was "unstable," "sick in the head," and "obsessed." I chuckled and decided that this would be my start. I sent out Giratina and Garchomp. The poor boy never stood a chance. He tried to pay up and flee, but I wasn't going to let that happen.

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