Fiery Passion: Yandere!Mela x Male!Reader

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Request by @TheSleepyCat13

You had just started your journey and already you were being tasked with 3 jobs, becoming champion, hunting the titans, and disbanding Team Star. It was a look to take in, especially since you and your companion Fuecoco had just met. However, somehow you knew you were up to the challenge, all of them, and so you set out to do them.

You somehow knew that tackling all 3 at once would be easier than focusing on one. How you knew this, I don't know, but you did. You had defeated the first 2 gyms, the first Titan, and the first Star Boss. You were working on your 3rd gym and second Star Boss when you met her for the first time.


As a fire type enthusiast, you were automatically drawn towards her. Sure, the boots might've been a little silly, and her chest was small, but she would still be that Goth GF you always wanted, if she wanted you. Unfortunately for you, or maybe fortunately... she wanted you, really badly.

Mela POV:

She certainly wasn't expecting the rookie who beat Giacomo to be so... handsome. And you were a fire type user. Something clicked inside her. She had to have you, no matter what.

She saw how you used your Fire Types, she was enraptured. She saw how you moved, how you fought, she wanted to see more, but her duties as a Star Boss outweighed her desire for you.

So she developed a plan, she would purposefully lose to you. Not that she thought you were weak, but she wanted to get out of her duties as a Star Boss, so she could stalk you more. She waited until that day. She waited, and waited.

Meanwhile, With You:

Unfortunately, you were going about things in a normal, human way. You left to the West and decided you would go North and then loop around, in a U pattern. No one told you that you were supposed to zigzag across the region(I'm still mad at this).

So it took a good long while before you managed to make your way to Mela.

Meanwhile With Mela:

Where were you? She was waiting. Of course she didn't know how you were traveling, but she assumed you were purposefully avoiding her.

She didn't know much, but all she needed to know was that you would be hers, eventually, at least. She's been waiting for you, for so long.

With you:

Well, you had finally made your way around the region, and were fighting Brassius. The final star boss, Mela, was up next. You defeated Brassius and made your way towards the fiery leader.

When you 2 made eye contact, something clicked. Another fire user, your heart began to pick up speed. Sure, her boots were silly, but she was the goth gf you've always wanted. You went easy on her, as respect for another fire type user.


You had finally arrived. She could tell you were strong, much stronger than she was. She, of course, had already resigned to losing to you, but she thought it would be a bit more even, that she could impress you.

She didn't think she did, however, she was wrong.


You had been impressed with Mela. Of course, you didn't know she had given up trying to fight you, so you were admiring her willingness to fight someone like you. You began to form a silent bond over your use of fire types, a bond that both of you knew you were sharing.

After the battle concluded, Team Star was officially disbanded, and you finished up that whole storyline.


Mela was getting back with the other leaders, but she couldn't stop thinking about you. It seemed like no one could get their minds off you, but Mela's reasons were different. The others wondered who you were, what your reason was, and how you were so strong. Mela, however, was interested in the Fire Stones in your pants.

She overheard the others talking about you, and in her delusion, thought that they wanted you as well. She couldn't have this, but she also couldn't just kill her friends. She wouldn't have to, however, since your heart already belonged to her.

With You:

You just learned that the shy, Eevee-loving Penny was the real leader of Team Star. You defeated her, and everyone had their reunion. Clavell was able to reinstate Team Star and their bases as training grounds for trainers.

From there, you did all the Titan Quests and the Gym Challenges, finishing the 3 storylines. You were then sent down into Area Zero.


Mela was losing her mind. She had no clue where you were, what you were doing. She knew you became a champion tier battler, and she was ecstatic. Her love for you grew even more. She had no clue you were in Area Zero. She asked around and no one could find you.

She had no clue you were wishing for her to be there with you. She didn't know, she couldn't.


You helped Arven find peace with his dead parent, before the robot version of said parent disappeared from his life. This was a rough time for Arven, almost losing his dog, getting in contact with his family, and learning that said family was dead.

You, however, only had one thing on your mind. Mela. You were happy to get out of Area Zero, since it meant you'd get to see her again very soon. You denied Clavell's request to go to the Blueberry Academy, Nemona going instead. You had a mission, a mission to find your other half, Mela.

You finished up and began your journey to find her. It didn't take long, since she was at her base, which was the first place you looked.


She looked ecstatic at your arrival, rushing to you and quickly professing her love to you. You did the same for her.

You both became leaders of the reformed Team Star, leading with your combined strength and fire type mastery. It wasn't easy, nor was helping each other get over your unhealthy obsessions, but you 2 had a gift, a gift few other people had. You both had passion. A Fiery Passion.

Author's Note:
1050 words later and this fic was completed. Hope it was enjoyable, since I wanted to try something new. The previous yandere one-shots I made had the other person kill people and kidnap y/n. I wanted to make one where the reader fell in love with the yandere before they could harm anyone. Since I'm a Fire Type lover, I thought it would be best to do so here, with Mela.

As I move forward and hopefully still get requests, I'll try and write 100 words a day, and make these one-shots around 1000 words long. Does this mean that you'll get a chapter every 10 days? Nope. It'll be around 2 weeks per one-shot, hopefully. I'll see you all next time.

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