I Hate Mother: Gladeon x Trans!Reader

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Requested by: @Crystal_Storytime

(Im gonna publish it now and continue to work on it during the month. Please tell me if this is going how you'd like it to)


Warnings: short(cuz I don't write a lot for fluff), orphan, Sun/Moon spoilers, mentions of abusive parents.

Imma actually leave the storyboard process, which is something I've never done.

How I want this story to go is that reader is an orphan who constantly hung out with Gladion and Lillie before Lusamine became an insane bitch.

Reader would always see Lillie getting pampered and sheltered, and Lusamine would try the same with her, leading to reader becoming trans.

She meets up back with Gladion and Lillie before the events of Sun/Moon, but after Lusamine lost her shit.

Lusamine would have a temper tantrum at seeing reader, a woman, wearing male clothes and doing male things.

This, along with her treatment of Type: Null, leads Gladion to take you and run away, where you 2 would find Guzma. You would join Team Skull alongside Gladion because honestly, the evil team is more considerate.

Now that I have continued writing this, this is not how the story is looking like it's going to go. You still get to run away with Gladion, but not to Skull.

You were running around the catwalks of the Aether Foundation with your best friend, Gladion. You were having a grand old time with him, as you were both children and didn't know how the world worked, yet.

Out of the corner of your eye, you were able to see Gladion's sister, Lillie, being almost harassed by their mother, Lusamine. Lusamine was always a weird person to you, super managing and high maintenance while also seeming insane. It didn't help when she decided she would continuously try to make you like Lillie, despite your tomboy personality.

This was something that made her very, very mad. Lusamine was a big proponent of gender norms, and couldn't fathom a girl doing the things Gladion decided he liked doing.

You would run around and get muddy, meet up with Wicke for cookies, she's like your grandmother. You'd run around and pet the Pokémon, and Lusamine was not happy.

You could hear her scolding Gladion for getting you caught up in his "male activities". You heard her saying that you "should know her(your) place as a woman". She didn't want to see you around ever again. You were fuming mad. You were a child, and just wanted to live your life, and have fun.

You decided to stop seeing Gladion at the Aether Foundation. He would start coming to your place instead. You would have a grand old time with each other for years. Eventually, it all just stopped.

You didn't know it yet, but Lusamine found out about your little loophole, how Gladion would come to you, instead of you to him, and she punished him severely. He was essentially locked up and forced to do "man" activities. It didn't help that their father left around this time.

You're now 22, and Gladion, if he was around, would be 24. You decided that you would make a drastic change to yourself. If Lusamine wanted Gladion to hang out with other boys, you'd become a boy.

You paid for the hormones and everything, you were now, as far as those who believed it were concerned, a male.

You were now traveling back to Alola to meet up with Gladion in order to tell him. Upon arriving, you found that Alola wasn't what it once was. It was dark, very dark. There were street thugs running around, alongside Aether Paradise employees. You walked around, aimlessly, trying to find anything. You finally found Lillie.

Y/n: Lillie! What's happening?
Lillie: huh? Who are you?
Y/n: I'm Y/n! I used to hang out with Gladion when we were all children!
Lillie: wait, y/n?
Y/n: yeah! Now what's happening!

Lillie then explained the whole Lusamine situation as well as Necrozma and how it stole the light. You ran around, looking for Gladion.

(Use your imagination because I don't remember this part of USUM)

Necrozma was defeated by some random kid. Really weird. That kid also became the champion. You found Gladion and just got to catch up with him. He was confused by you being trans, he hardly knew what trans was, but he learned to accept what made you happy. You both confessed and started dating. It was going great until...

Lusamine found out about your little relationship. She was... to put it bluntly... furious.

She actually thought Gladion was gay, and was really, really not happy about it. In her mind, you were dead, or missing, but she didn't care. All she knew was that Gladion was dating someone who looked and acted like a guy.

Gladion came home one night with a bunch of bruises and scars. You were very, very concerned, leading to a very loud discussion about Lusamine.

Y/n: you need to leave her!
Gladion: I know... but she's my mother and I need to get father back before... y'know...
Y/n: Lillie already left her though! You need to follow!
Gladion: she's still my mom. I'll leave when dad comes back.
Y/n: there's a reason he hasn't!
Gladion: y/n... really?

Gladion sighed and went up to his room. You felt really bad about that conversation.

Gladion didn't talk to you for weeks after that. You heard from Lillie that he was going to the bean islands to try and get his father to come home. So there you were, alone at the house, when it happened.

Lusamine came knocking at your door. You answered it and got slapped right across the face.

(Updated 4/4, 2:37 AM. Sorry guys I'm trying)

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