Yandere!Kieran x Fem!Reader

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Requested By: ???

You were just invited to go on a field trip to Kitakami. While you were there, you met a pair of siblings in Carmine and Kieran. You did the whole Ogerpon story, but little did you know that a shy, timid boy fell for you, hard.

With Kieran:
He couldn't understand how easily you beat him time and time again. It was like you were the protagonist of the whole region or something. He thought that he and Carmine were strong, but you were so much stronger. He fell for your strength, he fell for you, hard.

He watched as you handled yourself around the area, making the true story of Ogerpon heard. He always wanted Ogerpon, and he would do anything to get her. However, in doing so, he was making Ogerpon scared. He realized what he was doing and decided to just give up and let you have her. Kieran's life went in a downward spiral from there.

He shut himself in, not speaking to Carmine or anyone. He snuck out late at night to train himself, making himself so much stronger than ever before. Kieran was turning into a different person. He wanted to hold you responsible, but he just couldn't. He loved you too much. He wanted you all to himself.

Neutral POV:
You went back to Paldea for some more raids and exploring more of Area Zero. You knew Carmine and Kieran were heading back to Blueberry Academy, but you had no clue what Kieran was actually doing. The timid boy you once knew went insane. He needed to have you.

You would soon be invited to take a field trip to Blueberry Academy. You accepted it and went over to the double battle school. Your exhibition match was rough, as your team was styled for single battles. You'd soon gain knowledge of the BB League and Elite Four, learning that Kieran was the new champion there.

When Kieran came out, you didn't even recognize him. He certainly recognized you, though.

Kieran POV:
No... what is she doing here so soon? She isn't supposed to be here yet. I'm not ready! I'm not strong enough yet!

It was a struggle, but he largely disregarded your existence. He wasn't ready for you to come here, yet. He needed more time to get stronger as BB Champion. He had to ignore you here, for now.

Neutral POV:
And so, with Kieran seemingly ignoring you, you went on your way to challenge the BB League, courtesy of Drayton. Normally, you wouldn't have been able to do anything, but due to your status as a Champion rank Paldea trainer, and the influence of Elite Four member Drayton, you were allowed to participate.

You started doing their trials, capturing Pokémon, fighting double battles, and meeting people. One such person was Amarys, who you learned had a crush on Kieran. You also had a crush on Kieran, but not this Kieran. Amarys shared your sentiment. You had both fallen for the shy, timid Kieran, not this boisterous, cocky one.

Kieran POV
He had been watching you go around the terrarium, completing your BB Elite Four quests. He didn't really think much of what came from your interactions. He knew Drayton had a crush on his sister, and Crispin had a crush on Lacey. This did leave Amarys and Lacey, but he doubted them both falling for you as well. Lacey didn't have the time to focus on a relationship, and he wasn't sure if Amarys was even capable of feeling love like that.

However, his doubts began to grow into suspicion as he watched you and Amarys interact. You were both smiling and having a great time, and Amarys blushing. Of course, in reality, you both were sharing stories of your respective times with Kieran, but he didn't know that. He began viewing Amarys as a rival, someone he needed to get rid of in order to have you.

Your POV:
You were talking to Amarys about your experiences with the Kieran you both fell in love with. You were giggling and blushing and having a good time talking about the younger years of the champion. Amarys was your next trial, and you both decided to just have a chat before getting started.

You went through the trial and defeated Amarys, with only Drayton remaining. You would meet up with Carmine and talk some more about the person Kieran grew into. Neither you, Carmine, nor Amarys liked what Kieran became. He was like a whole new being, despite him saying that this was always hidden, deep down.

You decided to hold off on defeating Drayton and his trial. You wanted to help Kieran, to get him back to the person you knew, the person you loved. You had no clue what he was doing at this time.

Kieran POV:
He was currently plotting and scheming. He had to get rid of Amarys. He still didn't know the 2 of you were just talking, especially about him. He thought the 2 of you were together, and he couldn't have that. He was also plotting the death of Drayton, just as a courtesy to Carmine. He didn't want his sister getting with that dude.

He was doing some devious scheming in the club room, his Pokémon guarding the door. He was going to use his Pokémon to kill the 2 of them. His new Hydrapple was the perfect Pokémon to take out both of them.

Your POV:
You were going around, searching for Kieran. You couldn't find him, but you found his Pokémon by the club room. You were allowed past since Kieran talks about you positively all the time, so they assumed it would be fine for you to enter.

You were shocked by what you heard as you entered.

Kieran: "Alright... so if I'm able to refine the Apple Acid of Hydrapple enough, I'll be able to melt all of Amarys' pokemon. How should I deal with her though? Hm... perhaps I should just carve her up and leave her in one of her machines. I'll make it look like a freak accident. And then for Drayton-"

You cut him off. He turned towards you.

Kieran POV:
Y/n: "Kieran! Stop!"

He turned to look at you, horror plastered on your face, and shock on his. No one was to enter the room. He'd have to punish his pokemon later. However, he then smiled, knowing he had you right where he wanted you. You began to speak.

Y/n: "Kieran! What the hell are you doing?! What are you talking about with killing Amarys and Drayton?! What the hell happened to you?!"

Kieran began to realize this wasn't him. He was possessive and clingy, sure, but he was also kind. Why was he about to kill Amarys, someone who's been a friend of the family for so long? He didn't have these thoughts for Drayton, he kinda hated the dragon tamer, but killing Amarys would be like killing Carmine, and he couldn't do that. You continued speaking.

Y/n: "Explain yourself now!"
Kieran: "I-I had to! She was going to steal you away! I need you (Y/n)!"
Y/n: "Kieran, I'm straight! We were just talking about the past! We both love, loved you, and you need to snap out of this persona you've built up! This isn't you and you know it!"

Your words struck a nerve with Kieran. This wasn't him, and he needed to become himself again. He fell to his knees, mumbling incoherently. You knelt down and hugged him, causing Kieran to break out into tears, hugging you back.

You finished the BB League Trials and defeated Kieran, taking his spot as BB League Champion. Kieran was able to blend his personas, the kind individual from Kitakami, with a desire to succeed and make himself better from his BB League persona.

Eventually, Crispin got with Lacey, and Drayton got with Carmine. You and Amarys got to share the best version of Kieran. All of you grew up together, living happily ever after.

AN: 1350 words. I don't remember who requested this, and it'll be updated soon to reflect who did. I'm honestly getting a little tired of Yandere requests, since I think like half of the book is Yandere based. I'm struggling to think of ways to end Yandere shots now. I've done Yandere succeeding, Yandere failing, both reader and Yandere being insane, and now Yandere reformed.

On another note, if there is someone yall wanna see for like a short scenario chapter based on the 4th of July, let me know here and I'll write like a firework based imagine scenario tomorrow.

Trengaming, out.

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