Regular| David Iacono

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REGULAR David Iacono as EddieYou as Grace

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David Iacono as Eddie
You as Grace

I huffed noticing the long line. The coffee machines whirled around me as I tried my best to keep up.

It was fucking 8:30 in the morning and I was tired as shit. My eyes burned as the machine printed orders from the front registers.

The sticky material stuck to the cups in all sizes. I placed the completed orders at the back table and people scrambled to chase their caffeine high of the day. My coworker, Jenna backed me up moving as fast as possible.

"Feeling refreshed this morning Gracie?" She asked making my jaw twitch.

"Jen Jen, I expect better from you, especially in front of our customers," I said playfully. Our banter kept us moving even if we had to be up at 4 in the morning to open.

She laughed passing a few of our regulars their specialty danishes and cups full of hot coffee. This job was easy but every day seemed to burst my bubble.

The morning rush didn't stop until 9:30. Only a handful of people stayed to enjoy the morning. An elderly couple who came in every day sat people-watching by the window. A struggling writer typed furiously at the corner table chugging tea. And a mother with her energetic toddler colored on the tables.

My hands ached as I rubbed them together cracking my knuckles in the process. My eyes closed for a second as I hid behind the chip rack. My manager would scold me if she saw me like this.

My eyes darted open when the bell at the door chimed. Like clockwork, I knew who it was. I could practically feel him looking for me behind the counters. Jenna cleared her throat, "Hey Eddie!"

The man smiled, "Hey."

Jenna rang his order up on the till, "You want something different today? Or your regular?"

Eddie stuffed his hands in his scrub pockets, "My regular please."

I eased my way back to reality already knowing his order. A turkey and cheese panini and an iced tea. I never understood why he was eating that early in the morning. "Grace...hi."

He sounded nervous, it was cute. I put on my best smile letting my eyes meet his, "Hey."

His light-colored skin didn't do much to hide his growing blush. Jenna laughed taking his money. I smiled trying to stop staring at him so much. I felt myself reaching for the cups and flipping the tea nozzle.

I gasped when I felt hot scalding water hit my hands rather than the cool stickiness of the iced tea. "Ow!"

The half-melted plastic cup fell to the floor. Jenna jumped at my noises. I hid behind the chip rack again holding my hand trying not to scare the customers. Eddie was faster than her. His dark scrubs appeared almost instantly.

I had forgotten he was an emergency responder. He was calm as his warm hand took mine in his. My dark skin was red. In a second his bookbag was off. A first aid kit was opened.

"I got this." His voice was confident as he spoke to Jenna.

She nodded and gave me a sly wink, "Go take your break now. I'll cover."

My attention was back to Eddie, "There's a sink in the back."

I seemed to forget how bad my hand was hurting as he ran warm water over my burn. He inspected it as he dried my hand off. I was shaking a bit from shock, "I'm sorry for making you work extra."

His brown eyes softened as he spoke to me, "Don't worry about it, Grace. I'm always working."

I laughed taking in his worn-out eyes. I flinched when he rubbed some type of ointment on my hand. Instantly, his touch was lightweight. Eddie was so gentle and I found myself liking that trait about him.

"I have a question, Mr. EMT."

He sent me a nervous gaze but smiled, "Shoot."

I watched as he wrapped my hand up in gauze, "Why do you always get a sandwich and tea this early in the morning?"

He chuckled placing my hand down, "I work over twelve hours some days. I get my times mixed up but lunch is always easier than breakfast."

I laughed at his statement, "That's so on-brand for you, Mr. EMT."

"Says the barista who burned herself because she was staring at me."

I smirked at his bold statement. I pursed my lips sighing, "Eddie, you are something else."

I looked at my bandaged hand carefully. Eddie cleared his throat packing up his bag, "I know I only come here every few days because of my schedule but just make sure you watch out for blistering and try not to use your hand as much."

"Okay," I said wanting him to make the first move. I kept my smile perfect, it's like I took his breath away.

He began walking back towards the front. I smiled when he hesitated and turned back to me. He stuffed his hands back in his pockets trying to hide his nervousness...again.

"You can always call me, you know, just in case you need extra assistance."

"For sure. Come here."

Authors Note:

If you've seen the Tubi movie, Cinnamon then you know he's fine asf

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