Snowfall| Leon

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Leon as Himself
You as Kiera

Kiera blew a bubble in her mint gum as she pulled up to the crowded skating rink. Techno 80's music blasted through the surrounding speakers.

"Aye, Key!" A voice called as she entered the facility, blinking at the neon strobe lights.

"Hey, Saint!" She replied giving the boy a hug.

"What you doing here? Ain't you supposed to be on a college campus?" Franklin leaned against her as they walked to where the skates were.

Kiera smiled, "Taking a break right now. I'll be back next semester."

"Well, you know what they say. Once you leave you never go back." Franklin was telling the truth.

Kiera nodded before getting some skates, "Is Leon with you?"

Franklin cracked a smile, "Looking for ya man?"

Kiera shrugged dodging the skating bodies around her, "I just want to know how he's doing."

"You can ask him yourself." Franklin pointed to the boy with the big afro talking to a dark skin girl.

Her jaw ticked when he looked the girl up and down. Kiera approached with confidence swaying her hips, "Leon."

The boy turned at her steamy voice almost blushing, "Key?"

The high school sweethearts shared a look before Leon spoke to the girl,"I'll catch you later."

Kiera watched as the girl walked away eying her. Kiera hugged Leon almost melting into his skin. Leon leaned against the yellow tables looking at Kiera, "You wanna get outta here?"


He smelled of cologne and hints of weed. She gripped his biceps, "How you been?"

Leon looked away, "I'm coolin. Enough about me, how you liking Stanford?"

Kiera shrugged, "It's okay. I'd rather be back in LA."

Leon sucked his teeth, "Man you gotta go back."

"For what? To be around all them people I don't know?"

They continued to walk down the block ignoring the chaos around them. "You smart Key. Being back means you wanna get into some mess. Don't want that for you."

Kiera leaned against a metal fence feeling the coolness of the metal, "Being away means my momma gotta work three jobs just to make ends meet. I need the money. Heard Franklin was putting people on."

"That crack rock ain't no joke Key." Leon told her speaking softly.

They approached a late night food spot. Leon leaned against the window ordering food. Kiera squinted her eyes at Wanda as she approached them.

"Lee? That's you?" The crackhead said smiling. Kiera grimaced at her rotting teeth.

"Wanda?" He turned around asking.

The girl smiled before looking at Key, "You got something I could hold?"

Kiera watched their interaction. Leon hesitated but gave her a few dollars leaving her be, "Damn, that's Wanda?"

He nodded, "Rock changes you."

Kiera swallowed feeling anxious. She needed the money but was putting her life on the line for temptation worth it?

"I'm sorry I left back then." Kiera confessed feeling the tension between them.

Leon smiled for once, "It's all good. I'm cool."

Kiera kissed his lips and smiled. He didn't hesitate or push her away.

"Leon!" Wanda shouted across the street seeing the car round the corner.

Kiera screamed when Leon pushed her to the concrete. The sounds of bullets flying seemed to catch her off guard. People scattered as the bullets raided everything in sight.

Leon waited until the car sped off, "Shit. Key!"

Kiera felt her gut. The stickiness of the blood spread through her fingers, "What the fuck?"

"Just breathe okay? Don't close your eyes."


Kiera couldn't stop herself from crying. She laid in the cold hospital bed clutching her aching stomach.

She felt empty. She could hear the squeaking of shoes in the entryway. Kiera held her breath until Leon sat inside her hospital room.


Her eyes fluttered as she looked at him, "Yeah."

"You gone be good?"

She nodded wiping her face, "Yeah."

"You wasn't supposed to be there Kiera."

"It is what it is Leon. I'm straight."

"Imma find them niggas and take care of it."

Kiera didn't say anything as he left. Her gunshot wound would heal but this shit she just put herself in wouldn't.

Authors Note:

Because I've been watching Snowfall for the first time and fell in love with Leon Simmons.

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