Steve the unicorn

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Welcome to the inside joke between me and my guy friend who built this clay unicorn when we were seven in art class named Steve. He blew up in the thingy that makes clay stuff hard and all. But the funny thing is that we were able to build Steve back together because only half of him exploded. So me and him always joke around saying that Steve's Butt blew up even to this day, nine years later. So yeah, Welcome to the avenger family Steve the Unicorn...we've been expecting you....


[Avengers are online]

[Loki is online]

Clint: What does Nat and Skylar do that's so secretive?


Tony: How long have you been in the supply closet?

Loki: Three weeks, two days, four hours, twenty nine minutes and fourty seven seconds

Bruce: whoa, paranoid much?

Thor: Why thouest sacred of brother

Loki: i must not show my face to the light of day again

Steve: Don't you get lonely?

Loki: nope, because i have built Steve!

Tony: um....weird

Bruce: Creepy

Clint: Whoa......just whoa

Thor: STEVE!

Steve: I'm flattered but-

Loki: Not you Steve, Steve the Unicorn

[Steve the Unicorn is online]

Steve: wtf?


Tony: How can a piece of clay have a chatroom account?

Loki: He doesn't, i made one for him

Clint: Wait, so what your saying is that....your make Steve the Unicorn talk?

Steve the unicorn: Yep!

Loki: That's right, isn't he a nice horsie!?

Bruce: Weird

Clint: This is just plain sad

Tony: Pft, this is freakin' hilarious!

Thor: Hello Steve

Steve: um.....this is awkward for me, i'm just gunna leave.....

Bruce: too...

[Steve has logged off]

[Bruce has logged off]

Tony: You need to take Therapy with Nat and Sky Loki buddy, this is just sad

Clint: I can be a therapist!

Steve the unicorn: Loki does not need Therapy because he is perfectly fine

Loki: Yes what Steve said

Tony: O.O

Thor: HI!

Clint: O.o um........whoa

Steve the Unicorn: Loki is my bestest friend ever!

Loki: Aw Steve, you are mine too!

Clint: again, whoa....

Thor: Aw, Loki you have a friend!

Steve the unicorn: Yes, yes he does

Loki: See, i don't need Skylar or any of you guys! I have Steve and me and Steve

Tony: Don't worry, he'll be fine after a week or so

Clint: He's been in there for three weeks!

Tony: Okay, i'm calling a therapist and going to set up an appointment for you Loki

Steve the Unicorn: He does not need go to therapy!

Loki: Yeah, i agree with Steve

Clint: Your agreeing with yourself!

Thor: Wait, brother is-

Tony: Yes, yes he is

Clint: Ugh, this is worse then with you and Pep-'her'

Tony: i was not that bad

Loki: your the reason why i'm in here because you just had to play spin the bottle!

Clint: I'm calling a therapist

Steve the Unicorn: YOU WILL NOT HA-

[Steve the Unicorn has logged off]


Tony: What, what happened?!

Clint: Please tell me that sanity got knocked into him


Loki: S-Steve just blew up......

Tony: Oh thank god

Loki: Now i have no one...

[Loki has logged off]

Clint: Yeah....that was disturbing

[Clint has logged off]

Tony: I'm out

[Tony has logged off]


[Thor has logged off]

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