twenty nine

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gracie was beginning to find it hard hiding her relationship with kit in front of her brother.

after her show, the three of them were back at gracie's flat to hang out for a bit and watch a movie. the other two were having a few beers, but gracie knew if she drank anything she would immediately fall asleep as she was already tired.

"i'm going to the bathroom, be right back," joe says, setting his drink down and getting off the couch. once he's gone, kit looks over at gracie.

"think i can stay over tonight? i'm feeling a little tipsy and i don't think joe wants to drive to my place," he asks, and she nods.

"yeah, just... what's he going to say? like, when he sees you still staying when he leaves?"

"i'll pretend to fall asleep," he suggests, and gracie giggles, shaking her head.

"you're so stupid sometimes," she mutters, and then joe returns.

"i think i'm going to head out," he says. "my uber is here and i'm too fucking tired to finish the movie. you coming too?" he asks kit, but notices his eyes were shut and his head had fallen down a little on the couch.

"i think he's out of commission for the night," gracie replies. "uh, i'll just let him sleep on the couch. i'll see you tomorrow for brunch, right?"

"yeah, i'll text you when i'm picking you up," he says. "bye bye."

"bye." after joe exits gracie's flat, kit opens his eyes again and gracie laughs.

"okay, i feel bad about that," she admits, and he sighs.

"yeah, i know. we probably need to tell him soon. i just don't know how he'll react... i mean, you know him a little better than i do."

"that's true, but sometimes joe is confusing. he'll either not give a fuck, or he'll be really mad that you're dating his sister," says gracie. "but either way, he'd be mad about us keeping it from him, so we need to tell him soon. i would rather just tell him by myself, though. i think us together would be a little overwhelming."

"if that's what you think is best, then i say go for it," kit answers. "you're meeting for brunch tomorrow, right?"

"yep. i'll talk to him then, i guess."

gracie was a little nervous the following morning to talk to her brother, but she figured she had to do it right when they got in the car or else she would chicken out.

"i have to tell you something, and i'm not sure how you're going to react," she says when she gets into joe's car.

"alright..." he sounds a little confused, understandably.

"you know how me and kit are friends?" gracie asks, and he slowly nods. "we, um— we are sort of going out, i guess."


"yeah. i know it's probably not what you want to hear or anything, but—"

"i didn't even realize you were thinking about dating again yet," joe murmurs, and gracie genuinely cannot tell how he feels about what she just told him.

"yeah, i mean— i didn't expect to, but... yeah. i really like him a lot."

"i'm going to fucking kill him."

"okay, that's dramatic."

"no it's not. he can date anybody he wants, and he chooses to go for my fucking sister?" joe says, and gracie can now tell he is clearly bothered by it. "like, fucking hell, that's kind of shitty of him to do... jesus fucking christ."

"hey, don't be just mad at him. if you're going to be mad, you have to be upset with me, joe. i'm part of it too."

"i am fucking mad at you!" he exclaims. "you know i'm good friends with him and you know i have to work with him practically every day. what happens when you guys break up?"

"and why are you immediately thinking about us breaking up?" she asks.

"because your relationships never last! you and liv broke up over long distance, which first off, is going to be the same fucking situation with kit because you both travel a lot, and secondly, that impacted my relationship with her, and it will be the same thing with him because of you!"

hearing those words come out of joe's mouth hurt gracie. she blinked back her tears, looking out the window. "that's not fair," she says quietly.

"not fair? what the fuck do you know about fair? this isn't fair to me!"

"what do you want me to do, joe? genuinely! what am i supposed to do? keep thinking about my ex girlfriend forever?"

"i'm not saying you can't move on, i just don't understand why it had to be with him," joe says, this time more calm. "and he doesn't even date people, usually. i don't get it."

"doesn't that say something then if he usually doesn't commit to people but decided to with me? he's serious about it."

"i just... i need some time to think about this," he says. "i'm not— i'm sorry. i know i'm being aggressive about it, and i just want you to be happy, but thinking about talking to him right now is going to piss me off."

"i understand. you guys don't work together today, right?"

"no, uh, i'm off the next three days. i'm not speaking to him for now. i'm fucking ticked the fuck off."

"yeah," gracie sighs, and for the rest of the car ride, they ride in silence.

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