one - "you're my competition but.."

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{nari's POV}

"yah! huh yunjin!"

i woke up to my curtains being pulled apart so aggressively, as the bright sunlight shines through my window and blinding me.

'why must today be so sunny?'

i groaned from the sunlight burning my poor eyeballs and laid back down, covering myself up in the cozy blanket.

unfortunately that moment wouldn't last long.

i felt the blanket being yanked off my body, my body is now exposed to the cold air in the room.

"unnieeee!" i whined to her.

"wakey wakey pretty girl!"

she screamed in my ears loudly and jumped on top of me. this unnie of mine likes to be my personal alarm clock. to be honest with you.. she's the only one who can get me out of bed.

"ahhh! so loud in the morning!" i tried my best to push her off, but of course, she's stronger than me and she pinned my hands down.

"you're not winning this time, pretty girl." she smirked at me.

she started to lower her face closer to mine and i started to panic a bit because i'm easily flustered with things like this.

"unnie.. what are you doing?" i asked her in a whisper while looking away from her.

she always like to make me shy with all of my weaknesses. one of them being getting close to my face and holding me.

"what? i can't stare at my pretty girl?" she teased which made my heart flutter.

then, i thought it would a great idea to tease her back.. wrong!

i turned my face back to her and our faces are dangerously close, closer than i expected, our noses are touching and lips are pretty much also touching each other.

"stare at her then." i looked down at her lips and back to her eyes with a smirk.

she seems to have liked what i said. i instantly regretted everything i did in that exact moment.

"ohh? as you wish."

she got even closer to my red, blushing face.

'what if we just kissed right now.."


my thoughts were interrupted when the door suddenly burst open and hit my wall so hard that it shook parts of my house.

yunjin unnie and i immediately jumped apart, i tried to hide my extremely red face, but it was no use.

"unnie! why is your face so red?"

the cute maknae of our friend group, eunchae, came rushing onto my bed to cup my face in her hands to look at it.

"did yunjin unnie kiss you?" she asked with excitement.

i removed her hands from my face to place them onto my lap and stared into those big eyes of her.


i gave her a short and simple answer.

"no jams!"

she ran out of my room without forgetting to push yunjin unnie off the bed first.

"you little sh-" i pulled her back down and into a hug before she could kill that troublemaker baby.

"let's get ready, unnie. i don't want to be late for the announcement."  she nodded.

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