six "i love her.."

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{nari's POV}

"minji-ssi, what made you like this loser?"

i facepalmed for the nth this past hour. hanni kept attacking minji this round of truth or dare. the round before this, it was me that got attacked by all sides.

"what made me like this beautiful lady beside me?" she rephrased which made me melt from how sweet it was.

"i like her not because of her face, that's a bonus. i like her because of how safe i feel with her and no one has seen this side of me before besides her and now everyone of you." she told us honestly.

"congratulations nari-ssi, you warmed up the ice princess of ditto high school. baksu!" everyone clapped at my "accomplishment."

"it wasn't as easy as you think. after all, it took me two years to actually see her in this way."

"that's quicker than-" minji started to say, but was cut off her phone going off and the id showed 'appa'

everyone went silent because we all knew that it wouldn't be good.

"i'll excuse myself first." we watched as she stood up to walk away to a more private room.

i nodded my head to the stairs, signaling for everyone to leave to give us privacy. while they were heading upstairs into their rooms, i got up and sat on the couch, playing with my fingers as i tried to listen in on their conversation.

i could faintly hear what minji was saying until her voice got louder and more frustrated.

"i don't know what you want me to do."


"i'm not coming home."


"i don't have to listen to you."


"i'm staying with nari and her friends."


"you can't control my life like this!"


"i hate you!"

then everything became still.. and silent that you could hear your own breath going in and out of your nose.
after ten seconds or so, i heard muffled cries and i went to comfort her immediately because i wouldn't let my girlfriend go through something alone. that's only right of me.

i got closer to the door and the cries became more clear. it hurt my heart to hear when i know she's not much of a cryer and it's hard for her to cry easily.

i knocked softly, the cries went quiet before the door quickly opened and she threw herself at me. as usual, my arms went around her neck and her arms went around my waist. our embrace was so tight that there was no space between our bodies at all.

my left hand naturally made its way to the back of her hand, caressing her hair and playing with it to sooth her the best i can.

"you can stay with us as long as you want."

she shook her head against my neck and it made me confused.

"he will force me to come home when he's done with work.."

my heart sank.

"no.. we will protect you and keep you here, we'll have your brother and my father help okay? we won't let you leave with him." i reassured with a shaky voice that i tried to hide, but it was evident.

her father is one powerful man, but my father was more powerful than him, so that's what keeping me steady for now.

"thank you.." she whispered weakly.

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