four "all i need.."

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{minji's POV}

"for some reason.. you're the only one i feel like would understand."  i said very genuinely as it was the actual truth.

i watched as her gaze became warm? if you would call it that.

"as the dongsaeng of hwang nabi, i understand it very well. i saw my own sister fall into a state that she couldn't escape and i couldn't do anything much besides watch," her voice grew quiet when she reminisced about nabi sunbae. "i'm sure your older brother would've said the same thing."

hwang nabi.. she was nari's older sister and my older brother's then girlfriend. that's how nari and i got to know each other two years ago.

"nabi sunbae left her legacy to you, my situation can't possibly compare to yours." i looked down at my hands in my lap.

i heard her sigh and felt the bed dip more beside me.. then weight on my shoulder and a hand being interlaced with mine.

"a legacy that you have been preparing for your whole life isn't too hard to handle when it is suddenly placed onto your hands. the thing that is harder to handle.. is the reason why it was handed to you when it wasn't your turn to lead yet."

she played with my hand while i listened to her words attentively.

"don't say that your situation doesn't compare to mine. pressure from your parents can be harsh when you haven't quite dealt with it before, minji-ah. everyone's situation are different, but can have the same effect on us."

"forgive me, but do you miss her? " i said abruptly.

"there wasn't a second where i didn't."

"how about this, nari-ah?"

she lifted her head and turned to look at me, this caused our faces to be close once again. it happened so many times now and it still gives me this feeling in my heart.

"hmm?" she hummed in curiosity.

"let's promise here tonight that we will help each other with the election instead of fighting."

i stuck out my picky finger in which she immediately locked her finger with.

"i promise."

"i promise." we said at the same time.

"i think you should head to the shower," i leaned down her ear. "you're stinky." i teased her by pinching my nose and moving away.

she raised an eyebrow at me.

"stinky huh?" out of nowhere, she tackled me down onto the bed and wouldn't let me go.

"still stinky?" she pressed her body against mine.

"hmm, let me get a better smell."

i grabbed her waist to flip us over and i lowered myself to get close enough to her neck without actually touching it.

"yah.. what are you doing?"

"trying to see if you're actually stinky." that wasn't true because i was trying to see if her heartbeat was like mine when she rested her forehead on me.

and it in fact was, her heartbeat was rapidly beating.

"you should go to shower." i brought my face back up just to see a big pout on her face.

"so mean." she pushed me off of her, stomping off to the bathroom.

'she's so similar to nabi sunbae in terms of appearance, then so different in terms of personality..'

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